Photograph by Jim Campbell
The schools programme (30th & 31st March) has been specifically tailored to meet the needs of primary school teachers and children and is an invaluable opportunity to inspire pupils about the joy of reading and writing.

In summary we offer ‘Meet the Author’ events with some of the worlds best-selling children’s authors such as Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl trilogy), Jeremy Strong (Pirates series and Karate Princess series) and Cathy Cassidy (Dizzy). The ‘Meet the Author’ events are pure entertainment. All the authors are very experienced performers and engage with the children through story-telling, reading excerpts from their books and interacting with the audience.

Each event lasts approximately 1.5 hours, this includes a 40 minute reading, 20 minutes for questions and answers followed by a book signing where your students have the opportunity to buy the books and talk to the author. The event is very competitively priced at just €5 per student, teachers and accompanying adults are free. To add value to your day there is also the option of visiting the award-winning Irish National Heritage Park situated on the outskirts of Wexford town at a discounted rate.

Due to phenomenal demand the Schools Programme is completely booked out – we are sorry we can’t accommodate you! If you would like to be added to our mailing list for 2007 and to receive updates on Wexford Book Festival activities please email: or phone +353-53-91-22-226.

Schools Programme page please change font to the same font as the rest at the bottom inviting children to bring books for signing .
Wexford Book Festival t: 053 91 22 226