Leadership Project
Moygownagh Women in Leadership Project
Within this project Women of the North West seek to develop a suport infrastructure for the development of women, to encourage equal participation in decision-making and policy formulating bodies through education in personal, group, social and political skills and training in information technology. It is envisaged that this project will continue beyond the year 2000 through the building of alliances and networking with national and transnational partners and by the seeking of ideas and strategies for it's development and expansion. Moygownagh Women in Leadership Project receives funding from FAS under Community Employment and from the European Equal Opportunities programme.
Teagasc through the services of their enterprise development officer provide training and evaluation expertise to the project. It also receives managerial and administrative support from Women of the North West which is funded by the Department of Social Community and Family Affairs. Most importantly this project avails of support, advise and direction from it's partnership with local personnel of the national body FAS.
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