Now Project
Moygownagh NOW Project
This project is a new and innovative departure for the organisation. The concept of Information Technology training for women was first suggested by FAS in Ballina, hence the idea was born and management sought money for this endeavour. The aim of the project is to support and strengthen the effectiveness of locally based women's groups and networks and to provide training for women relevant to viable economic activity.
This will be achieved through providing a firm base within a target area whereby women can access training in information technology and related skills necessary to take an active role in their community, in the labour market and in public life. The educational and organisational development of this project is focused in the areas of Erris and Tirawley. FAS are providing significant funding to this intiative, training allowances are payable to all participants. The Moygownagh NOW project is providing a crucial challenge for all women's groups. It is an opportunity for women to commence the embracement of the changing world of work particularly at a time of transition for farming.
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