Eat With Joy
discusses the following topics and issues
in detail...
- Introduction (gives insights into the
body, mind, spirit approach to well-being
and happiness)
- Foods to eat and foods to avoid. Some
plant foods to nourish you.
- Quick tips on choosing a balanced diet
- Substitutes for wheat and gluten
- Food: shopping storage and preparation.
- Useful utensils
- Breakfast
- Stocks and soups
- Starters
- Chicken, lamb, beef and pork dishes
- Fish dishes
- Vegetarian dishes
- Potatoe, rice, polenta and millet side
- Vegetables
- Salads
- Dressings
- Lunch box ideas
- Open sandwiches
- Savoury sauces and stuffings
- Desserts and dessert sauces
- Baking
- Further reading
- Coeliac society addresses