Phone: 021-4373951

Main Street, Carrigaline,Cork

Proprietor: Maree J. O'Sullivan

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We want you to have the maximum enjoyment from your floral gift.



Some flowers and foliage may be tozic or cause skin irritation. Take care when handling them (washing your hands carefully afterward) and keep them away from children and pets.

Be careful not to place flowers or plants directly onto unprotected surfaces or electrical equipment, as they invariably contain water.

Flowers should be kept in a cool location, away from sunlight, direct heat or draughts.  Use the flower food provided and keep them topped up with fresh water.



Take care when removing  any packaging, especially cellophane.  This often contains water which the florist has added to keep the flowers fresh (in which case, you should pierce the packaging and drain the water into a sink).  If the flowers are tied, be careful not to cut the tie.  They have been specially arranged and are ready to go straight in a vase - untying them may spoil the arrangement.

Cut the stems of the flowers - use a sharp knife if possible and cut the stems at an angle, about 3/4" above the end.