his lifetime Saint Charles blest and interceded for many people gaining
many graces and blessings for them. In the early 1900s people wrote to
Mount Argus describing graces received through his prayers. Below are
four accounts from these letters.
Blind See ... The Deaf Hear ... The
Lame Walk ... The 'Dying' are healed.
The Blind See
In the year 1884 or 85, I was five years old and blind at the time. I
was under three doctors all of whom gave no hope. My father and I were
Protestants and my mother was a Catholic. My mother brought me to Father
Charles who rubbed the relic on my eyes which were closed. After the first
of the visit I saw the light. After the second visit I saw shadows. After
the third visit I ran down the steps in front of my mother. On my father
seeing that my sight had been restored he had me baptised a Catholic at
Westland Row Chapel.
George H Porter, 202 Clontarf Rd., Dublin 1936
Deaf Hear
I feel great pleasure recording my cure by Father Charles about 40 or
more a years ago at Mount Argus. I had been a patient three years at the
Ear hospital and gave up all hope of cure. I attended at Mount Argus with
the usual spiritual duties and prayers and on my third visit when he touched
my ears before I had reached home I got my hearing and improved daily
thank God.
Joseph Verso, Coventry, England. 1923
Lame Walk
I, Mrs Dowling can certify I have been brought to his Holiness Father
Charles when a small child. I was in bed I could not walk. I had to be
carried into the
little chapel in Mount Argus but walked out without any assistance, Thank
God and his Holiness Father Charles.
Mrs Kelly Dowling, Brownstown Road, Curragh Camp. 1923.
'Dying' Healed
I beg to inform you that in the year 1888 or 1889 my husband John Hughes
who was dying from a complication of diseases and who was absolutely given
over as incurable was visited by Father Charles, who after praying over
him, turned to me and said "John will live". I think it right
to let you know that to of the surprise of four Doctors he improved at
once and completely recovered. My husband died in the year 1918 aged 77
Anne Hughes, 111 South Circular Road, Kilmainham. 1923.