After the death of Saint Charles in 1893
devotion to him began to grow. People turned to him in their troubles
and sought his intercession. They wrote to Mount Argus describing graces
received through his intercession. Below are four accounts from these
Monti .... Patrick McCormack .... James
Wallace .... Christina McCurdy
Mr. Monti
Around 1900 a Mrs. Monti and her Protestant husband went to visit the
grave of Blessed Charles. Her husband had a poisoned hand and the doctors
wanted to amputate. They saw people taking clay from the grave and were
advised to do the same and apply it to the hand while praying for Blessed
Charles' aid. They did as told and the hand began to heal. Later Mr. Monti
became a Catholic.
In 1977 Patrick McCormack, a soldier in the Irish Army, suffered severs
brain haemorrhage after football training. His wife was told to expect
the worst. A nurse asked Fr. Herman to bless Patrick with the relic of
Blessed Charles and Fr. Herman left the relic under his pillow. Almost
immediately Patrick began to respond and made a complete recovery and
returned to his army career. Patrick kept the relic and treasured it.
In 1978 James Wallace was involved in a serious motorcycle accident which
left him in a coma with brain damage. Doctors had little hope for him.
A neighbour brought a relic of Blessed Charles and they prayed through
for his intercession. Fr. Brian D'Arcy was asked to bless James with a
relic of Blessed Charles and the family started a novena to Blessed Charles.
From that moment James began to recover and within ten weeks was back
on his feet.
Christina McCurdy of Massachusetts had extreme pain in her feet and needed
the use of crutches. Medical science could do little for her condition.
Hearing of Blessed Charles her family did a Novena from 19th to 27th April
1982. On morning of the 28th she was going out to school and turned to
her mother said 'I don't think I need these crutches today' and walked
unaided to the school bus.