Total freedom at
last to finally create your own board of any size with a matching
set of MPs/mps that YOU personally
choose - the best thing since sliced bread - slice
it any way you like - fantastic! Level-1: you can use the regular set of KI QU RO BS KT and PA to play your 1st
game of western orthodox chess or begin
with the super deluxe Level-2, 3 and 4 using GUs and/or PAs. A new genuine handicap system is also available ie, PAs
versus GUs. You may also create
your very own personal level of play by using your own palette of pieces - if you are the inventive type all you will need is a good imagination. Another option is
to add blockers to the chessboard itself and/or new MPs/mps. Piece names [monogram identifiers] may be entered in English, French, Spanish,
German, Russian, Arabic, Greek etc as required. A graphic may also be input onto
each triangle as an aid in identifying each piece [for beginners only]. Piece names may also be entered on each
side of the triangles in two different languages - useful when the players
don’t understand each others language! If you can’t find it here it
probably doesn’t exist. As usual - you know the story - the best
is free - why pay more?
glossary-100%-AZ [text only/no graphics] lexicon-menu-AZ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [text + graphics]
Microsoft Word: just click on item below to PRINT or EDIT? Cut with a
sharp scissors & glue - that’s it!
8x8 regular board
8x8 regular chess set for Level-1 8x8 chess set of GUs for Level-2-3 and 4
b-l-a-n-k ghost chess set
b-l-a-n-k score sheet score sheet example game
8x8 rank 1 and 8 XP cells
8x8 rank 2 and 7 XP cells
8x8 board + two white blockers
8x8 + four white blockers
OVERVIEW MAIN ARTICLES ISP FMO AOM NOTATION cell annotate SYNTAX advice plan analysis alpha beta GM sample-game immortal game pieces MP/mp tree values clock print-score-sheet computer hal-9000 symbolism history-1 2 3 4 history notes-1 2 3 4 opening florescence 2000+openings-AZ middlegame endgame hand handicap material monogram taxonomy monogram-AZ +CC
+SCH alekhine lasker philidor staunton angel art ability talent caduceus grail light imagination bird eagle owl athena memory mind brain knowledge IQ magi oracle sign magic libraries shakespeare sacrifice gold check +DO capture draw advantage checkmate resign loss stalemate skewer pin fork threat initiative move combination rank file diagonal block spiral circle center square triangle promotion mobility tactics patterns ritual inspiration love mystic parable mystery seeing muse vision truth intuition automaton child living-chess riddle puzzle change labyrinth drama maze sacred-geometry dance wisdom wit allegory invention mythical-inventors hero heroine mythology game isle-of-lewis games simul quotations quotes chatrang chaturanga shatranj senet draughts fairy-chess KM VC chinese CN KN AD MR GE FS cambodian burmese korean thai ethopian india mongolian tori
7x7 shogi 9x9 wa-shogi 11x11 chu-shogi 12x12 king queen rook bishop elephant knight horse knights-tour pawn decoy en-passant Spanish: rey reina torre alfil caballo peón links AZ best links encyclopedia-AZ variants-AZ You-Tube video: western western strategy western
opening’s checkers/draughts chinese shogi thai ++AD ++BC ++BK ++BYL ++CM ++CMA ++CME ++CMK ++CR ++DR-50 ++EPU FCM
++FM ++ICM ++LS ++MC ++MS ++MV ++OD ++PDR ++PM ++RS ++SCM ++ST ++TR ++WN
astrology i-ching kaballah tarot alachemy numerology delphi
Astronomy: the 88
constellations zodiac telescopes solar system
Print-n-play levels 1, 2 and 3 - Western
8x8 array: just print, cut
with sharp scissors, bend into a triangular shape and glue. Use small coins/pennies as weights
- simple! Note: chess sets & boards may be edited in Microsoft Word - create your own set
of chess pieces and design your own board! Email your finished artwork to for inclusion
in this dictionary? Place your completed chess board under
a glass coffee table or into a plastic pocket/pouch - available at good
stationers? Just use A4 white paper
or card. A4 photo paper gives
a very nice glossy finish to your chess sets and boards! Use a black felt marker to write
the names of the MPs/mps with the blank/ghost chess
set. The main idea is to
experiment and have some fun while making your very own chess set and
board. Sit back with a glass of wine [red or
white], maybe a Martini with a splash of lemonade or a beer or even iced-tea
[cheese and crackers are optional] and just begin. Good luck! Each keyword or section in this
lexicon is readily accessible and just a mouse-click away.
You can now print-n-play Western, Chinese, Korean, Shatranj, Cambodian, Thai, Mongolian, Ethopian, Checkers/Draughts, Burmese, Shogi 9x9, Tori 7x7, Wa-shogi
11x11, Chu-shogi 12x12 and many others in about twenty minutes. Just print chess sets and boards, cut with a sharp scissors, bend
MPs/mps into a triangular shape and fix into position using a gluestick. The cost to make the ten
chess sets listed here is a few cents each and with matching boards about
double that. Do something
really useful and practical with your printer? Make complete sets for yourself
and a few friends or members of your chess club! Now you can try differing
chess games from different countries without the expense of buying them all - a
winning scenario - save a lot of dosh in the process! You will now have your own
compendium of boards and pieces to experiment with. It really is as simple as
that! All boards and pieces
from around the world are freely available - you can even produce/create your own with a little
experience. Over three
dozen chess sets & boards have been provided to get you started. In the main dictionary/lexicon thousands
of chess terms are explained with links to everything of importance on the
world wide web.
U know U know - U know - do U know? Believe it or not - it comes down
to this
Are you fed-up
playing traditional
chess like a robot with brain-dead
geeks? These days the competition
has got so hot that if you have not got your GM title by your early teens - forget it. Some of these kids start playing
at 2, 3 and 4 years of age leaving late starters [6 to 11 years of age] at a
considerable disadvantage. The best trained memories have
an unseen advantage [best memory wins].
It’s like playing with a handicap that is not visibly apparent at the
start of a game. The player who can
memorize and recall board positions has a decided advantage even before a single move is made on the board! Even Judge Judy would raise
an eyebrow! Subtle but not very
obvious - and you are left wondering why you find yourself constantly losing to
other chess players? Random Chess has tried to address and
solve this anomaly by changing the Initial Starting Position [ISP] of the KI, QU, ROs, BSs and KTs [but not the PAs]. Some have found this
helpful. With the ISP
randomized it is not possible to memorize openings, gambits and defenses. You have to think on your
feet. There are 960
ISPs available using just an orthodox chess set. Please see the section on blockers which
gives examples of how to change the
board itself - new and quite exciting! An orthodox chess set is
used but the squares [cells] on the board of various types are blocked-off
during play in order to alter the parameters of the ISP.
Once you cop-on and get to figure this one out you realize that
you are actually being defrauded/cheated - a silent con job that is never
spoken or even mentioned by arbiters and the rule makers. Even they might not be aware of this
problem and if they are will usually keep silent. The game is actually skewed - wake
up! Prove this fact to
yourself: ask your opponent to play a game of chess using Level-2 or 3 of
traditional western chess [see above] and you will find that you now have an
even playing field once again - a proper sporting chance of winning - best intellect
wins. You will find that their
Level-1 rating does not transfer to Level-2 and 3. Why? Because their memory of Level-1
board positions is not as useful or useless at other levels of play. Do you see? Of course you do! I just hope that this does not
cause a riot in the chess world.
More than likely I think that a civil war is the only endgame solution
here: memory versus intellect. Just
choose your side in this battle.
The last time a collapse of a chess system occurred - a rare event
indeed - was with Shatranj. This took a few hundred years to
play itself out and ended around the 1500s in Europe and took many more decades before it
solidified into its present fixed form - now identified as traditional western
chess or orthodox chess - the international chess - that is played on an 8 x 8
chequered board. You will
notice that today 99.9% of people do not play or even remember the name of the
former game that was played from the 7th to the 15th
centuries. By the way, the
other 0.1%, are aficionados who do remember - like me and you! The battle has faded into history and is
now forgotten and buried or, so it seems. However, the skeletons are once
again beginning to rattle - their graves are being reopened and the bodies are
being exhumed. One of the few
things that we have in common with our ancient ancestors is chess. From the dawn of civilization most
cultures have played chess in one form or another. The mummies of the Pharaohs of
..PA4 [attacked] |
..PA5 [attacked] |
..KT1 [attacked] |
you need to realize is that your intelligence is actually as good, if not better than your opponents - you
just are not aware of this - and those in the know will not inform you - why
should they? It is not in their
interests to do so. Do you
find the wood-shifting boring, stale and repetitive? You know there is
something wrong - at an intuitive level - something not quite right. You just cannot put your finger on it exactly. A lot of people just give up
playing chess because of the boredom factor and the belief [false] that they
will not make the grade or are somehow intellectually inferior than others. Look, let’s get real - stop
kidding yourself - stop burying your head in the sand - you know in your
heart-of-hearts that playing just one particular level of chess is over -
it’s time to get a divorce - it is time to move on.
The general view in the chess world is: why rock the boat - we
are happy - we are winning - we have the best trained memories - on average it
takes ten years to become a GM - so, as long as they do not find out about this
we will keep winning and keep our titles and prestige. We have no intention of changing the
game in any way whatsoever - it has been around for fifty decades in its
present fixed format and it is our mission to keep it
that way - locked and fixed for at
least another fifty. We really have
no interest in educating young people or, come to think of it - anybody else
for that matter. After
all we do not want to lose our central control, grip and power over the game -
why should we - we own it in its present format! The bottom line is that if the ISP
is changed we lose our jobs [unemployment] and control of the wood-pushers who
play our accepted version of the game.
By having central control we
make and tinker with the rules, change them as we see fit, present awards,
medals and badges, act as a censor and receive a nice salary for keeping it
that way - can you blame us - if you were in a similar position you might do
the same. You now see the
reason why we cannot and will not change - to do so would end in our demise -
we would go the same route as Shatranj did in the past - forgotten - never
again played - a footnote in the history books. From our point of view no
alteration in the ISP will be allowed or possible - now or at any point in the
future. No further progress
in orthodox chess is the rule - we
just do not tell you about this secret hidden agenda - and never mention it
publicly - a taboo area. Defectors
are marginalized. So, future
generations will play our accepted
version from cradle to grave.
Our angle is that GMs will come and go but we will remain the power
behind the throne. We rub talcum
powder into our hands so that they feel like velvet and when we greet people
are treated like royalty. We
always wear a shirt-n-tie and look business-like and never let the mask
above scenario applies not just to the everyday chess you are used to, but to
other levels of play as well - east or west. If other levels of play [ISPs] were
common then all the books currently published would become obsolete overnight
[this is what happens when you have only one level of play and a house built on
sand]. When a well
known chess player was asked what he thought about changing the ISP of
traditional western chess he said his view
could not be expressed in parliamentary language - and that just about sums
up the current view on this subject.
In an ideal world a true GM
would be able to play a few different levels of chess ie, Western, Chinese,
Shogi 7 x 7, 9 x 9 etc - and be able to win consistently to retain the GM title
- a global chess player - a real
world champion. Having two
QUs on the board at the same time will not be viewed as promoting bigamy -
using a new triangular chess set will not be seen as ignoring tradition -
multiple levels of play will be the norm - babies from 18 months to 4 years old
will take to it like ducks to water - 5 to 11 year old kids will automatically
become more creative in their chess
playing and everyone might just be that little bit happier. A local chess club will create their own
level of play - if you can beat them on their own board you really [really] will be seen as a winner. Looking back you will then be able
to say what the wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing said to Little Red
Riding Hood - I feel absolutely awful
about granny.
Traditional chess viewed as a sailing vessel is now beginning to
show her age. She is starting
to creak at the seams and her motto of being unsinkable is now seriously coming
into question. Traditional
chess has been hauled out many times and patched-up as best as could be over
the last couple of centuries.
As was the case with the Titanic she is now heading for the final voyage
with a full complement of passengers - and YOU may be one of them. The SOS signal has been sent and
other ships are standing nearby to evacuate all on board. Life rafts are plentiful and available
for all who choose so that nobody will be lost with the vessel. The new generation of passengers has the
option of abandoning ship before the fated end. Some have already jumped ship and are
now safe in the comfort zone.
As she heads silently on her steady course in the black of night a
looming unseen apocalyptic disaster lies in wait.
The fact of the matter with chess is that the game belongs to
nobody and everybody at the same time. The patent and copyright is in the
public domain and belongs to every nation, tribe and creed. And so the cycle goes on - a slow
downward spiral to its eventual doom - a particular
historical scenario not just known to the game of chess but in other areas of life as
well. Its symptoms are well
documented: people who will not let go of power even when they know the writing
is on the wall or, at least on your computer screen - they being the major
beneficiaries in one form or another.
It is commonly known as a sinecure, monopoly or a vested interest in a
particular obsolete system which is handed down to the next generation - the next generation being their friends,
group, party, elect, close family members or successors to a particular
keeps turning into something else.
This is the trick of the universe in order to
renew itself and stay the same.
This is a recurring theme in symbolism, not only in
the form of magical transformations, but also in all the different symbols which
contrast the ephemeral with the enduring.
Change to us is fear.
Various pressures are directed against anyone who tries to push against
familiar limits.
Because they are pushing, new boundaries open. Butterfly: symbol of
change/transformation - it follows the wind yet arrives at the flower - its
flight is spontaneous and free and does not wear itself out fighting the forces
of nature. Edmund
Burke: “A state without the means
of some change is without the means of its conservation”. “Change is the law of life and those who only look to the past or
present are certain to miss the future” - J.F. Kennedy. “Growth may mean change and change can
be painful”. “Many have
become GMs - no one has become the master of Chess”. Cauldron:
symbol of change, renewal, initiation, transformations - full of boiling and
bubbling substances. “The quickest way to change the world is to
be of service to others. Show that
your love can make a difference in the lives of people and thereby someone
else’s love can make a difference in your life. By each of us doing that and working
together we change the world one inner person at a time”. Dannion
Brinkley - NDE experiencer.
After 500 years traditional chess is gone by its sell-by date and
is just about played-out now. Why
not try, test and discover the power of Chesmayne
for yourself? Easily identify any chess piece on any chess board at a glance -
no more Chinese and Japanese hieroglyphics to deal with. A plainly readable English format makes
the process simple and easy for you.
A whole new world is now within reach. Stop playing just western chess
exclusively and wean yourself away from a single level of play [best memory
wins] that we all know is gone over the hill and found dead in the water. Now multiple levels of play are
easily available [best intellect wins] and no major surgical operation or
ice-pick lobotomy is required!
We have re-engineered the complete game for you with two completely new notations and syntax to describe the moves on the board as
they are being played. All
the gang and the most commonly used chess pieces - KI
QU RO BS KT PA GU CN KN AD MR GE KM VC etc - are now triangles with an identifying monogram and number [the common denominator]
and useable on any board - east and west! Just print, play, experiment and
enjoy. With a little
experience you can design and create your very own chess board and pieces on a
few sheets of A4 paper that will cost you a few pennies. Your feedback is appreciated - thanx. The samples in this text are just given
as examples to get you started. You
may also find the Zillions gaming system [a must-have software program for
the experimenter] useful for testing any new chess game that you will create in
actual play and as a bonus - a free demo is available here: download zillions.
Below: traditional
chess ISP. Level-1 of
Chesmayne. Pieces are
numbered left-to-right for each player. Now new pieces can be easily
added in this format.
Below left: Level-1 using Pawns. Below right: Level-2 using Guards. Pieces are shown as
discs. Printed version
uses triangles for practicality.
The above graphics were created
using the Zillions program
When you are standing at the base of a volcano and the ground is shakin
you know what is gonna happen - something is about to blow - get on the train
before it leaves the station.
If the molten lava does not get you the avalanche of melting snow, ice,
a forest of trees that break like matchsticks and boulders the size of
cars will cause a mudslide with the
consistency of wet cement moving in your direction at around two-hundred miles
per hour. If it hits, you
will be buried alive - proper interment will not be possible as you will be
one-hundred feet under setting cement - your body preserved for thousands of
years in a sea of mud. And if that
is not enough the brakes on the locomotive have failed - now you are also a
passenger on a roller coaster as well. It’s time to take
serious action - jumping off is not an option - your only hope is if the train
can outrun the wave of mud moving downhill in your direction at an accelerating
Your first choice: stick to tradition: continue playing western
chess and nothing else - stay as you are - just go back to sleep? Train your memory and win more. Generally the advantage goes to the
player who has played the game the longest number of years. Rating drops if you do not continue
practicing. Titles very
important - rating is critical.
Winning is everything.
Competitive - winners peak like comets and then disappear into obscurity
and are forgotten. There is always
somebody higher up the ladder than yourself. Chess viewed as a way to
gain prestige, titles, acclaim, renown, fame, the hand of the fairest damsel/knight
and money from defeating opponents.
You are only as good as your last win - losers become obsolete, their
names are difficult to remember and fade from the chess scene. GM title the ultimate accolade -
mentions in textbooks and encyclopedias.
Lots of snaps taken - much hand-shaking and meetings with important
people for reasons unknown to both parties - just because.
Your best choice: progress, evolve, play global chess: experiment
with differing levels of chess ie, Level-1, 2 & 3
and Chinese, Japanese, Burmese, Thai, Cambodian etc. Better intellect will
usually win. You will become
a more mature player. Less
parochial view of chess. Titles
unimportant - rating not viewed as critical. Chess viewed as an organon, an educational tool - even
spiritual. Become clever,
creative and artistic: make your own game with your own set
of rules and award yourself a title ie, Knight Magnifico [KM].
Appreciation of past masters: Weubens etc. Less competitive - a lot
less! Mastery of the
game within reach - GM title awarded by default - a natural process - in
time. The beginning or ending
is not critical - the journey is more important - the quest - the goal. History and origin of chess not an issue any
more - complete understanding of the people, arbiters and organizations who
play the game and the inner workings of chess become known to you - penetrating
insight! Jump in IQ, EQ and SQ the norm. I do hope that nobody will
take offence by the case presented here in this text. However, I would like to take this
opportunity to apologize in advance for being alive if you do.
I think the Chess industry does not want us to know about other games. If, for example, Shogi becomes
extremely popular in the
Questions & Answers about
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