12. Cape Town, South Africa

Flying from Sydney to Cape Town was a mammoth jump. It involved a 4 hour flight to Perth, where we changed planes to Johannesburg (11 hours), followed by a relatively short 2 hour flight to Cape Town. We were shattered when we got there! We had booked a hotel over the internet, but when we got there, it turned out to be a bit of a dive. Luckily, Luis, our taxi driver, suggested a guest house a short walk from the Victoria & Alfred waterfront, where we ended up staying. We started our honeymoon with a tour of Alcatraz, so it seemed fitting we went to look at Robben Island, where of course Nelson Mandela was interned for 18 years. For fourteen of those, he had to sleep on a blanket on the floor... The tour is unforgettable!

On a lighter note, we explored the waterfront shopping malls and had some fantastic South African fish dishes, the prices of which we can only dream about in Ireland!!!

We finished with a bus tour of Cape Town, but it was too windy to go up Table Mountain.

We then hired a car and drove to Cape Point, where baboons terrorise people if they smell food. Beware! It was cool to think we were at the southwesternmost point of the African continent. The weather was fantastic and we were blown away by the scenery. Our very last night we spent in Hermanus. The town of Hermanus is famous for whale watching in September-November when mainly Southern Right Whales travel very close to shore, but we weren't there at the right time of year. Instead we finished with a final spectacular sunset and tried to get used to the idea that our holiday was ending...
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