We went on the most amazing honeymoon for almost 5 weeks, from December 27, 2003, to January 25, 2004. It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience! Each of the destinations had one or more highlights, which we hope to detail in the links below. You can start at the beginning and retrace our steps or just jump in at any destination.

It's fair to say that we found it very difficult to deal with reality again upon our return. Be warned! Having fantastic holidays can be detrimental to your everyday life. Real life can be quite mundane in comparison...

NB: Not all of the photos are ours. I found some additional pictures on the Internet. I hope they'll help round out the picture as they help us tell a fuller story. I'd like to say we hired helicopters for all those aerial shots, but we didn't.

Click to go to San Francisco Click to go to Fiji Click to go to Auckland
Click to go to Australia Click to go to South Africa
Click to go to New Zealand's South Island
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