Bl ack SunriseT h e M u s i c a l |
Brian Byrne |
Margaret Byrne Margaret, a native of Rathkenny in Co. Meath, lives in Navan with her husband Jim and family. Together they run a hairdressing business which has been in the Byrne family for the past one hundred and two years. Prior to embracing tonsorial artistry, she was a legal secretary and a keyboard and shorthand skills tutor. As a Lyricist, Margaret has co-written with her husband, Jim, many songs recorded by David Parkes; "Let Me Live", "My song for Ken", "Night of the Lord", being but a few. "Memories of Tara" commissioned by the Scotsdale Symphony Orchestra" and sung by Matt Gilsenan on his first concert visit to Arizona; "Tiocfaidh me ar ais", sung by Tina was the best Irish song in the Irish Euro Song final in l974. Margaret's gospel song, "No Easy Way" was commissioned and performed by the Highland Gospel Singers in Glasgow Civic Centre in l998. A freelance writer for many years, she has scripted for sketches and mini musical productions in the prime years of Rathkenny Revels. While this world premier of BLACK SUNRISE is the culmination of five years work for Margaret as script writer and lyricist, the fact that the Composer and Arranger of to-night's work happens to be her son, is, she says, "the greatest kick of all". |
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