
Dromore (big ridge)
Dromore Lake and Forest Park, 13 km from Ennis, has forest walks, picnic area
and car park.
The castle besides the lake was built by Teige O'Brien, son of the Third Earl
of Thomond.
Ruan Church
Not far from Dromore Lake stand the remains of a 15th century church. Both
the chapel and tomb were built by Dermot O'Kerine of Owan.
Dysert O'Dea (O'Dea's hermitage)
This ancient monastic site has the remains of a Romanesque church and round
tower, (12th century). The foundation is credited to St. Tola (d. 737). The
White Cross of Tola is a impressive high cross with an imposing episcopal
figure on the east face, surmounted by a crucifixion.
An important battle was fought on this very site in which Muircheartach O'Brien
defeated Richard de Clare of Bunratty and halted the Anglo- Norman take-over of
Clare. The de Clares subsequently lost Bunratty and its surrounding territory
in 1318.
Quin (Cuinche - a quince tree)
Between Quin and Tulla stands the once celebrated mound of Magh Adhair where the
Kings of Thomond were installed under a great oak tree. The tradition remained
intact up until Elizabethan times.
Ballylickey is a wedge shaped gallery grave near Magh Adhair.
Quin Franciscan friary, now a substantial ruin, was founded by Sioda Cam MacNamara
and built between 1433 and 1450. It integrates parts of a castle built by Thomas
de Clare of Bunratty and destroyed by Irish forces in 1286. The monastic buildings
are grouped round an attractive cloister and there is a tall, elegant tower.
The friars were expelled in Elizabethan Times and attempted to return after the
Queen's death, but to no avail.
They remained in the area until the beginning of the 19th century.
Knappogue Castle (Cnapog - a mound or little hill)
The castle, 5 km southeast of Quin, (originally a MacNamara stronghold built 1467),
was restored in the 19th century by Lord Dunboyne. The castle passed to the Land
Commission in the late 1920s and was re-sold in 1966. The new owner refurbished the
interior in 15th century style. The castle is open to visitors in the daytime and
medieval banquets take place at night.
Tulla (Tulach - a hill)
The village, built on a drumlin, has the remains of a medieval parish church dedicated
to St. Moculla.
The area has several prehistoric gallery graves.
Like the rest of the Clare Lakelands region, Tulla offers great fishing.
Limestone caves that can be explored mark the Toumeens, an underground stream, 3 km away.
Craggaunowen castle (1550), a MacNamara fortified house, was abandoned after the Cromwellian
confiscation of 1653. It was restored by Tom Steele of Cullaun in early 19th century, then
passed into the hands of the Land Commission, and was bought by John Hunt in 1965, who
created the bronze-age complex: the crannog or lake-dwelling, the ring fort and the
souterrain or underground Chamber.
Later 'The Brendan', a recreation of the type of leather currachs used by St. Brendan
the Navigator in 6th century was added.
Cullaun Lake offers good sailing and the surrounding woods have forest walks and a
lakeside picnic site.
Cullaun House, now in ruins, was formerly the property of Tom Steele (1788- 1848),
friend of Daniel O'Connell and on the side of the Catholic Emancipation.
There is a music festival in the summer.
