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Alpha Course

The Alpha Course is run twice each year in Callan Parish Hall, beginning in January and September. This basic course in practical Christianity was begun in the Anglican parish of Holy Trinity, Bromton, London. It was given its present form by Rev. Nicky Gumbel about 1990 and has since spread to most countries of the world and to most Christian denominations.

What Is Alpha?

What Is Involved?

The Alpha Course consists of a series of talks looking at topics such as ‘Who Is Jesus?’ and ‘Why and How Do I Pray?’ There are 14 talks spread over 10 one-night-per-week sessions of two hours, plus one full day (or a weekend). After each talk we divide into smaller groups and discuss any questions raised from the talk. There is no cost. A subscription for the food is invited.

Who is Alpha for?

Alpha is for everyone. It particularly caters for:

The chairperson of the Alpha Leadership Group in Callan is:

Mr. Michael Byrne, Newtown, Kells, Co. Kilkenny. Requests for further information, or applications for the next course, which begins in September, 2000, may be made to him or to the priests.

Alpha Web Sites

Alpha UK
Catholic Alpha Office