Castlemartyr GAA Golf Society

This Society was formed in 1999 to have  an enjoyable game of golf a few times a year for anyone in Castlemartyr or the locality.

Officers and Committee for the year 2004

Captain    Michael Carroll
Secretary John Roche
Treasurer  Damien Roche
H/cap Secretary/Pro Patrick Walsh
Committee  Jim O Rourke,  Fergus Lynch, Eamon Roche

"A sense of fun is compulsory, ability at golf can be a hinderance"

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If you would like to join

please contact Pat Walsh @


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We are still recruiting new members especially anyone new to the locality who would like to use it as a way of getting to know the locals,or any of  our ex-players who have drifted from the scene and would like to get back in contact with the club and renew old acquaintances.

Next Outing Lee Valley 20th March 2004

Golf Society Outings 2004

Sat. 20th March Lee Valley 12 noon
Sat. 10th April Monkstown 1.30pm 
Sat. 15th May Gold Coast  10.30am
Fri. 18th June Water Rock 4.00pm

**** Castlemartyr GAA Golf Classic -Wednesday July 28th- East Cork  ****

Sat. 28th August  Mallow **Captains Prize**  11.00am
Sat. 26th September  Waterford/ Overnight stay 
Sat. 6th November Bandon   10.30am
Tues. 28th December Water Rock  10.00am

Results of previous outings

Water Rock 23-10-1999 Youghal 04-03-2000 Water Rock 01-05-2000
Blarney 22-07-2000 West Waterford 14-10 2000 Fernhill 24-03-2001
Fermoy 26-5-2001 West Waterford 14-7-2001 Charleville 29 -09-2001
Golf Classic  East Cork August - 30 - 2001  Mitchelstown 10-11-2001
Water Rock Christmas 2001 Harbour Point 9-02-2002 Charleville 30-03-2002
Gold Coast 27-04-2002 Blarney 8-6-2002 West Waterford 6-7-2002
Youghal 10-08-2002 Macroom 28-09-2002 Mitchelstown 7-12 2002

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