CORK BOAT CLUB(Established1899)Bad Cumman Corcaigh
Copyright © 2004, Cork Boat Club. |
For a list of Past Officers follow this link (Archives)
22nd July 2004 - As the dust settles following the excitement of the Champs the Oarsmen and Oarswomen have headed off for three International regattas. Gillian and Sile are in Italy at the Coupe de la Jeunesse , Deirdre and Patricia are in Nottingham at the Home International Regatta and Brian Young is in Banyoles, Spain at the World Championships . Lets see some metal!!!!
13th July 2004 -Cork Boat Club results at the National rowing Championships. Apart from the great performance by the our Women's Junior Pair the other results were as follows: In the Men's Novice Sculls Dave Duggan didn't qualify from his heat and ended up the 17th fastest out of 26 crews. The Womens Novice four of Lorna Bowles, Deirdre Griffin, Kathy O'Sullivan, Zara Coughlan & Amy Desmond qualified in their heat, the fastest of two. In the final they ended up in the bronze medal position behind Clonmel by 1 second and a further 4 seconds behind UL. This was an excellent performance by our young ladies. The toughest race for the Club over the weekend was in the Women's Junior 4-. At the 1000m Tribesmen were leading by 2 lengths and were challenged by the Boat Club four of Sile Murphy, Deirdre Griffin, Patricia Hanlon & Gillian Fleming. In the last 500m Boat Club raised the pace and closed the gap slowly to half a length at the 250m mark. Boat Club kept up the pressure but could not close that final gap and Tribesmen won by 3 feet. One of the closest results of the weekend. This was a time difference of just 1 second. On the Saturday in the Men's Junior 16 sculls Dave Duggan was second fastest out of 19 crews. Dave had an unfortunate start in his race being left at the start by a number of crews. After settling down he managed to work his way through the field and ended in second place in the first final. Well done Dave. In the Junior Sculls Dave Duggan ended up fourth in his heat just outside qualifying. This was the fastest heat of the four heats and Dave's time was faster than the winners of all the other heats. This placed him the fourth fastest out of 17 crews in the heats. It was the "Wedding Feast of Canan" for Boat Club in the last race of the weekend for the club in the women's junior pairs. We had two boats entered made up out of the Junior four of the previous day with Gillian Fleming & Sile Murphy making up one pair and Patricia Hanlon & Deirdre Griffin the other. Following a similar fashion to the previous day both boat club crews were more than a length down at the 1000m mark. Both crews put on a fight at this mark and it was the stronger pair of Fleming & Murphy that broke down the Tribesmen crew and beat them by one and a half lengths. The rest is history.
12th July 2004 - Coupe de la Jeunesse and Home International selection for Cork Boat Club Women (& man). Following their successes at the Championships four of our girls and one coach have been selected to represent Ireland at the Coupe and the Homes. Both Gillian Fleming and Sile Murphy will compete in the pairs in Ravenna Italy on the 24th and 25th of July. Their coach Jer Field has been selected to manage the ladies squad on the trip. Details: On the 24th July at the Home Internationals in Nottingham England, Patricia Hanlon and Deirdre Griffin will be part of the Irish Eight together with oarswomen from Tribesman, Commercial & Colaiste Ignoid. This is a great honour for Cork Boat Club.
10th July 2004 No more tears!!!!!
Congratulations to Gillian and Sile winners of the Junior pair at the national championships in Inniscarra. `MORE PHOTOS If you want to congratulate the girls send your message to
10th July 2004 - Good luck to Gillian, Sile, Patricia, Deirdre in the Women's Junior Pairs and also to Dave in the Junior 16 & 18 sculls. C'mon boat club!!!
9th July 2004 - Good Luck to Dave in the Mens Novice Sculls to Sile, Deirdre, Patricia & Gillian in the Womens Junior 4- and to Lorna,Deirdre, Kathy, Zara & Amy in the Womens Novice Fours
29th June 2004. - Championships entries. With just 10 days to go to the National Championships the club has entered 9 boats in Championship events and 1 in the non championship events as follows: Womens Junior 18 coxless four, womens intermediate four, womens novice four, 2 boats in the womens coxless pairs, mens novice sculls, mens junior 18 sculls, mens lightweight sculls, mens senior sculls and mens junior 16 sculls. Lets get out and support your clubs crews on the 9th and 10th July @ Farran Wood. Best of luck to all our oarspersons.
21st June 2004. - Athlone Regatta Results - A great day for the women's squad in terrible conditions at Athlone Regatta. Winning both the Intermediate Four and the Junior 18 coxless four. In the Novice four they came 2nd. This is great news in the final preparations for the national championships. Well done girls, those winter tears are paying off.
21st June 2004. - Lucerne Regatta Results - On the international stage Brian Young competed for Ireland this weekend in the Lightweight Men’s quadruple Sculls finishing just outside the medals. This is the first time together in Lucerne following the addition of Diarmud McColgan to the boat. McColgan is joined by Brian Young, Ken McDonald and Galway’s Herbie Griffin. The quad showed impressive form when training in Ireland the weekend of Metro. Ireland were second in their heat to Italy. In the Repechage they came fourth behind Holland, Denmark and Great Britian. In the final they also ended up in fourth position however they managed to fend off Denmark and Great Britian. This was a great result for Brian and his crew, well done!
17th June 2004 Message from the Captain - Since last September the club has seen a large number Junior Members join up. Our aim for these new recruits was to give them a basic understanding of rowing and to be competent in rowing a “Quad or Single scull”. We feel that we have achieved this and also managed to get some racing at Fermoy regatta. Following this success we have decided to enter a limited number of boats at Monkstown Regatta, which will take place on Saturday 26th June at the National Rowing centre in Farran Wood. This will be the last event in 2004 for the Junior 16’s and under. Entry fees for the regatta will be €10 per competitor, this can be brought on the day. Each crew member must wear a white tee shirt. If there are any parents who can drive to or from Farran Wood on Saturday can you please let me know. We will be leaving the club at 8am and returning at 7pm. These times may change closer to the event. Finally I would like to wish you all a very enjoyable summer and hope to see you back in September. Rowing will re-commence after the AGM which will be in late September. If you have any queries please contact me on 086 2594721
17th June 2004 Monkstown Regatta entries for the club are as follows: Womens Junior 14 Quad, Womens Junior 16 scull, Mens Junior 14 Quad, Mens Junior 15 Quad, Mens Junior 16 scull, Mens Junior 18 scull, Mens Senior pair. Best of luck to all crews.
16th June 2004 Athlone Regatta entries for the club are as follows: Womens Novice Four, Womens Intermediate Four, Womens Junior Sculls, Womens Junior Four (Coxless). Best of luck to all the girls.
13th June 2004 Beginners rowing continues at the club today, however Saturday and Thursday rowing for beginners will be discontinued until October. We regret that we will not be taking on any new rowing members until that time.
12th June 2004 Last weekend the Clubs Ladies competed at Metro Regatta in Blessington. They competed in the Womens Novice Four (Coxed) coming second within two and a half lengths of UL the winners. In the Womens Junior 18 Quad they ended up in third while in the Womens Junior 18 double scull they came in fifth.
6th June 2004 Rowing for beginners will be from 9am to 11am on Sundays. If there are any wanna be coaches out there please let the Captain know on 086 2594721.
29th May 2004 - Last weekend the Club attended both Cork City and Fermoy regattas with some mixed successes. At Cork City Regatta the Veteran Eight defended their title against Galway and Shandon. In the women’s senior four the club won in a composite boat with Tribesman and Skibbereen. We had Gillian Fleming and Deirdre Griffin in this boat. In the Junior 18 four the girls had a very difficult race and ended up in second place to Colaiste Iognaid. In the women’s junior 18 pair the club finished second again to Tribesman by a margin of a quarter of a length. The best race of the day for the club was in the Men’s Junior 1X where David Duggan came home in first place ahead of Fermoy and Cork. Dave has achieved his target of coming first or second at Cork City Regatta, well done Dave. Photos At Fermoy Regatta, again the Veteran eight were winners against Galway and Castleconnell. For the Club’s new beginners we had Women’s J15 eight, Men's Junior 15 eight, Men’s Junior 15 four, Women’s Junior 15 four, 2 men’s Junior 14 fours, and women’s junior 14 four. The only success was the women’s junior 15 four by winning their heat. David Duggan didn’t’ repeat his performance of the previous day having trouble with steering. Photos
19th May 2004 - Following their astounding success at Ghent regatta in Belgium the Boat Club ladies take to the water this weekend at Cork City Regatta. Also rowing at Cork are the Duggan Brothers, Dave in the Junior 16 sculls and Patrick in the Novice sculls. Finally the vetern eight are defending their title. Results On Sunday the Junior 14 and Junior 15 men and womens crews take their maiden race at Fermoy regatta. Best of luck to all crews on both days.
1st May 2004 - Cork Boat Club ladies will represent the club at Ghent International Regatta in Belgium on the 8th May. This is the first time that the club has entered a ladies crew on the continent. We would like to wish the very best of luck to the girls and hope they have a very enjoyable trip. RESULTS
29th April 2004 - The Cork Boat Club annual race night has been scheduled for Friday 14th May at 08:30pm in Blackrock Hurling Club. There will be a total of ten races. We are currently looking for Horse & Race Sponsors. MORE
5th April 2004 - Report from Brian Young Last weekend was the national trials held in Cork. I competed in the lightweight single scull. Making my way to the final was quite painless leaving me with the prospect of competing with Niall O'Toole in the final. Last year we had a race off for the singles slot in the World championships which I won and went on to compete in the Worlds. Unfortunately Niall got the better of me this year, I raced very hard to 1200m and we basically rowed each other to a stand still, a perverse game of chicken. Niall has been showing great form and pulled a 6.07 2k erg test which is back to the form he was in when he won the world championships in 91'. At this time last year Niall was less than one length off Gags (member of the light double) and beat him in a seat racing matrix and he is going a lot faster this year. With this in mind I was reasonable happy with the performance. On Tuesday we had a Pairs matrix, I woke with a splitting head ache at 4.30 and didn't loose it for the day under performing I was ranked 3rd on stroke side a long way off the pass. This put me under some pressure but happily I woke the next morning with a clear head feeling 100%. This meant I could show my true form in the doubles matrix. I finished 1st in 4 races out of 5. This secured my place on the high performance squad to get back into the fight for the crews going to Athens. I will be going to Spain again on the 15th of this month. Thanks again for all those who text on encouragement, it helps a lot. I'll be in touch. Brian
5th April 2004 - The following are two letters I found in the archives of Douglas Weekly newsletter dated 1999. If anyone out there has similar stories we would be interested in hearing them. Click Here
3rd April 2002 - Skibbereen Head cancelled due to weather forecast. Training as usual in the morning.
2nd April 2004 - Message from down under. How're
ye, Just incase any of ye forgot how handsome I am, here's a few photos of me at
the Penrith rowing course, Sydney............ Where the olympics were held in
2000....... See ya, Alfie Photos 23rd March 2003 - Entries for Skibereen Head were emailed on Monday. Crews are: Men's Open 8 (Vets), Men's Junior 16 1x, Women's Junior 18 2X, Women's Junior 18 2-, Women's Junior 18 eight, Women's Junior 18 4x, Women's Junior 15 4X+, Men's Intermediate 4+, Men's Junior 15 8+, Men's Junior 15 4x+, Men's Junior 16 1x. Best of luck to all crews especially the Junior 15’s who are competing for the first time.
23rd March 2003 - Check out our gallery for some new historical photos. special thanks to Barry Connolly and Jack Buckley for their contributions. Photos
17th March 2004 - Pres take honours at Cork Boat Race 2004, winning by a margin of 5 lengths. In what can only be described as perfect rowing conditions Presentation Brothers College took on Christian Brothers College to win their second annual Cork Boat Race. The event was run from Shandon Boat Club to St. Patrick's Bridge, approximately 1700m against the flow, with Christians winning the toss and rowing in the north station. From the beginning Pres dominated the race having an excellent start and settling into relaxed rhythm leaving Christians battling uphill to no avail. So its back to the drawing board for Christians until next St. Patrick's day. The days event was enjoyed by the many spectators lining Merchants Quay, Patricks Quay and Patricks bridge. Well done to both crews for their efforts and the entertainment they provided to us all. While this event is only in its second year the seed has been sow for what could be a major event on the Irish rowing calendar. Well done to all the organisers and crews. Photos
13th March 2004 - Cork Boat Club
Women's Double Scull win at Galway Head. In a time of 19minutes and 30 seconds
Gillian Fleming and Sile Murphy
6th March 2004 - Check out the newly
launched web page on the Christians Pres boat race.
2nd March 2004 - Entries for Galway Head have been posted today. Crews are: Mens Vet 8, Mens Jnr 18 1x, Mens Open 2X, Womens Junior 18 8, Womens Junior 18, Womens Junior 18 Quad, Womens Junior 18 2X. Best of luck to all crews.
1st March 2004 - Congratulations to all the crews that took part in the Cork Head of the river last Saturday. The Men's Veteran VII won their section and had the fourth fastest time of the day at 17min 40secs. The men's intermediate four (Timing only) were second to UCC by a margin of 30 seconds, this was a great performance as this crew has only been together on a number of occasions. In the Junior Men's section well done to Dave Duggan who came 2nd to Fermoy in a time of 22mins 16seconds. In the Junior Women their was the biggest number of entries for the club, Junior 18 2-, Junior 18 2x and Junior 18 4-. We now have 2 weeks to reflect and prepare for Galway Head.
1st March 2004 - Report from our man in Saville: The racing this weekend proved to be a mixed bag. The first race was in the light four as the heavy four had been pulled out as it clashed with our primary race. It was my crews first race in angry and it showed, soon after the start we veered onto the buoy line and lost all speed while clashing into the buoys. With 300m to go we came of the buoys and rowed well into the line finishing fourth beating the the Spanish (qualified for the Olympics) and the Austrians. We were more than we would have wanted to be away from our own crew who won the event from the Dutch, Russians and British all qualified crews. The eight we got to use for the race was a bit of an antique and after bending a few riggers on we managed top get to the start. The opposition was the British Olympic heavy eight and to explain how big they are they carry the equivalent of 3 extra people in the boat. WE had a good race against them the pulled out to clear water at 500m but we pulled back in the second half of the race to be over lapping at the line 3 sec behind. Sam and Gags finished 2nd in the heavy double in a hard race they had faster times than they're lightweight rivals. On Sunday we had a slight head wind which led to slower times, My four went a lot better but came in the same position 5th but less than a second off the British crew and 3sec off the winners who were Russia relegating the other Irish four into 2nd. As the eight sat on the stake boats a terrible storm blew up and made the course very rough but even rowing through every wave on the course rather than over them we still managed to finish second less than 2 sec behind the British. Sam and Gags didn't do as well over the 500m where the power of the bigger crews showed leaving them in 5th place in the final. So another camp over, not sure what's coming up next will be in touch. Brian Young
26th February 2004 - A history of Cork Boat Club by the late Ted Boohig (dated 1986)
16th February 2004 - Report from our man in Saville: Next Saturday and Sunday we are racing in the Seville team cup over 1,000m and 500m respectively. I am racing in the lightweight 4, Heavy four and eight. We have entered the same for as last year to gauge progress as the Dutch four that was second last year will be starting. This means that I am in a four with Neil Casey, Herb Griffin and Richie Coakley. The heavy four will be Tim Harnedy, Eugene Coakley and Herb Griffin and will be up against the best of the British and Dutch to name the leading contenders. The eight which is seen as a bit of fun ¿??¿ will be a combination of the two light fours. We have done 4 k training in it so we will see. Sam and Gags start in the heavy double with two more irish doubles. We also have 2 light womens doubles and a number of scullers in different events. It promises to be a bit of a shock to the system racing at above race pace but it should be fun. Brian Young
12th February 2004 - Entries for Cork Head and being submitted this weekend. The following have been put forward: WJ18 2X, WJ18 2-, WJ18 4-, MS8, MV8, MV4, MJ15 1X (Dave Duggan), MN 1X (Pat Duggan).
12th February 2004 - Check out the latest from down under World Tour '03 - '04
16th January 2004 - Attention all oarspersons. Entries for St.Micheals Head are being posted on Monday 19th January. The following crews are being entered, Womens Junior 18 Eight, Coxless Four, Coxed Four, Coxless Pair, Double Scull, Mens Intermediate Four and Mens Novice Scull. If your not in you can't win
28th December - Cork Boat Club Christmas Scatter from the shanty to the club slip. Four eights put to the water following a demand for a club Christmas event. The crews and results were as follows: Race 1. Crew no.1: Brian Dwyer, Pat Peilow, Patricia Hanlon, Rory Clune, Cian MacSweeny, Danielle Doubois, Sheila, Tony Ryan and Cox Lorna Bowles. Crew No.2: Dan Buckley, Brid Ryan, Dave Desmond, John Deasey, Kathy O'Sullivan, Denis MacSweeny SNR, Dave Fitzgerald, Pat Duggan, Cox Cormac O'Regan. Winner Crew No. 2 Race 2.
Crew No 1: Ally Downey, Fig, Deirdre, Dave Walsh, Niamh Parfrey, Dave Duggan, Donie Cronin, Willie Beakey, Cox-Lorna Bowles
Crew No 2: Dan Murphy, JP Collins, Pat Peilow, Gillian Fleming, Mark Kennedy, Rory Clune, Danielle, Trish, Cox-Cormac O'Regan
Winner= crew No 2 The event was organised by Donal Cronin and Jer Field, well
done lads. 26th December - Christmas Scatter from Lee Rowing Club at 10:30am, organised by Pres. Open to seniors, juniors & vets.
20th December - Christmas Draw winner of the super hamper was Laura Griffin. Winner of the 2nd prize hamper was Brenda Rose, 3rd prize went to Neill O'Donovan and 4th prize went to JM Bowles. Congratulations to Lorna Bowles for selling the highest number of tickets.
13th December - Limerick Leader Report |