Carrigaline Photographic Society
As a result of a notice in the parish newsletter the Carrigaline Photographic Society was formed in November 1985.
The newly formed Society became a member of the Southern Association of Camera Clubs (S.A.C.C.) and the Irish Photographic
Federation (I.P.F.) which is the international organising body for amateur photographers in Ireland. Despite the fact that none
of the C.P.S. founding members had ever been associated with photo clubs/societies, it was generally commented within the I.P.F.
that the Carrigaline group were the more progressive society within the Federation, after just a short period of membership.
Members of Carrigaline served on the national council of the I.P.F. and have organised major S.A.C.C. competitions in Carrigaline.
During that time the Society won many of the I.P.F. and S.A.C.C. provincial and national awards, while individual members won
competitions and were awarded distinctions from the I.P.F.
However, the Society was set up to promote photography as an art form. Black and white prints, colour prints and slides as well
as the latest digital techniques are the mediums used by Society members. Some members process and print their own work. At monthly
meetings Society members present their work for critique and, when the opportunity arises, the work is exhibited to the public.
The most recent exhibition took place in Carrigaline Library in September 2005 in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the founding
of the Society.
Society membership is open to anybody over 18 years. Being a Photographic Society, the emphasis is on producing photographic images.
Therefore, intending members need not be concerned about expensive equipment. Beginners are welcome and instruction is given, but
most members learn from the interaction and exchange of ideas between members. Weekend field trips, and day trips, are organised, as
are short workshops by Society members.
The Society meets in St. Mary's Hall beside the Church of Ireland on the Currabinny Road, Carrigaline on the last Wednesday of
each month at 8pm.