Dublin Demons
Australian Rules Football Club

FSS Cup 2001, London
Thanks to Julian S Campbell-Palmer for thaking these great shots!

FSS2001-1: First match against the Ravens. Mick, Shorty Colm, Declan and Choppo (just before his knee injury).

FSS2001-2: Second Match against the Hawks was a rough one. Shorty takes the mark, despite a chop to the head.

FSS2001-3: Nial gets a clean kick out before getting tackled. Declan uses his voice to warn Nial of the danger. Walshy and Kabir get up after fighting the ball clear from the ground. 

FSS2001-4: Adam takes a kick, Nial sheppards and Crowie and Declan keep an eye on the play.

FSS2001-5: Another tough knock (without the ball??) Cann't make it out, but it could be Shaun, before his trip to hospital for concussion. This one one rough match!!

FSS2001-6: Walshy reaches for the sky, Colm leans back for a grab and Diarmuid watches for the spill.

FSS2001-7: Mossy runs in to spoil, Criag and Big Phil wait in the forward line.

FSS2001-8: Crispy gets the spill while Nutty makes a break. Walshy gets up after clearing the ball off the ground. Declan looks on. 

FSS2001-9: Team shot number one - but we're missing a player! The lads cry "wait!" as he hobbles in to join the pic.

FSS2001-10: Team shot number two. Header, Crowie, Diggs, Craig, Declan, Mick, Crispy, Adam, Nial, Walshy, Mark, Diarmuid, 
Choppo, Nutty, Brian, Kabir, Big Phil, Colm, Shaun and Mossy.

Photos Courtesy Julian S Campbell-Palmer
Writeup by Crispy