Dublin Demons
Australian Rules Football Club

GrandFinal 2000, Dublin

Grandfinal2000-10: Dipper gives the lads a few words of advice before the game.

Grandfinal2000-2: Dipper looks on and Demons and Redback fight over the ball.

Grandfinal2000-4: The ball spills, Brendan tacks left, Redback Nutty approaches and Tukey follows.


Grandfinal2000-13:Redback Lads

Grandfinal2000-15: Dipper changes sides to play for the Redbacks for a quarter.

Grandfinal2000-9: Demons gather around footy Legend Dipper. Wayne Jackson stands behind.

Grandfinal2000-18: Redbacks Team Shot

Grandfinal2000-19: Demons Team shot. Coach Kerran, Brian, Header, Hindsy, Crowie, JD, Crispy, Walshy, Tukey, Rick, Sean, xxx,xxx
Mark, Nial, Malcom, Adam, Colm, Mick, Dairmud, Arron, xxx, Diggs, Joey. xxx

Photos Courtesy Mick Curran
Writeup by Mick Curran
Web Publish by Crispy