Sixth Class Work.

Our Play.

A is for actors, the best in the school.
B is for brilliant, sixth class rule.
C  is for concert, we did our best,
D is for drama, we passed the test.
E is for excitement unsurpassed,
F is for fun, it couldn't last.
G is for glamorous, the girls looked great,
H is for happy, the boys were late.
I is for imagination, we let ours roam.
J is for jitters, we wanted to go home.
K is for Kieran, he had the lead.
L  is for laughter, the crowd agreed.
M is for Miriam , Niamh and Marie shared
N is for nervous, we were all really scared.
O is for original, we were resourceful,
P is for pressure, we were successful.
Q is for quality, the best on the night,
R is for raffle, we sold a sight.
S is for script, we learned a lot,
T is for tactics, we gave it all we got.
U is for unique, we built Pharaoh's grave,
V is for valiant, we tried to be brave.
W is for weary, the audience all ears
X is for xenophobia but we had no fears .
Y is for youth, its great to be young.
Z is for zest, we had loads of fun.

SCOIL NIOCLAS | Ethos. | Pupils' Work. | Anti-Bulling. | Homework. | Extra Curricular. | Code of Discipline.