Fifth Class Work.


School is a wonder, a whole new world
Letters and numbers are all unfurled.
If you go there, you will see
A bitter-sweet wonderful mystery

It's balanced, though it has its crack.
Tears and tempers it doesn't lack!
Mingled thoughts are in our heads,
Like" Why can't I be home in bed.

Perfect students do not exist,
Everyone has their fighting fist.
Or maybe a weak spot in Music or Maths.
There's always a bit of trouble in our paths

Sometimes, you hate it,  and want to run home.
But after a while, you decide to stay.
Because after Maths, there's always Art.
And after trouble, a brand new start. 


SCOIL NIOCLAS | Ethos. | Pupils' Work. | Anti-Bulling. | Homework. | Extra Curricular. | Code of Discipline.