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                                netdays.jpg (10236 bytes)  Here is Jason Milner's winning entry.
This story was awarded first prize in the Netd@ys competition held during October 1997. As a prize Jason won a Kodak DC210 digital camera for the school.As a runner -up prize Conor Conroy collected a copy of "Creative Writer 2" for the school.


All dressed up and nowhere to go

When I was small, my two cousins came to visit my family.

My cousin Peter, made me dress up as a girl.

Then he put lipstick on me.

Then he made me put on my sister's hair band .

Then he put my sister socks and shoes on me.

He then pushed me out on the street and slammed

the front door behind me.

So there I was dressed in my sisters clothes',                                         Jason Milner

out on the street and no way go get in.

As people passed by I could hear them sniggering and laughing.

Then my worst nightmare happened.

A gang of lads came down the street.

As soon as they saw me I started to blush.

They started to whistle and cat call at me and call me names.

One of the boys asked me "Are you a boy or a girl?".

I said "I am a boy". They didn’t believe me.

I started to cry and kept telling them I was really was a boy not a girl.

They would.nt  believe me.

I started to bang the door to get back into the house.

"Let me in, let me in" I kept shouting.

Then I started crying.

My mother came to the door.

"What's wrong with ye, love" she asked.

I ran past her into the house crying my eyes out

and ran upstairs to my room.

I stayed in for the next few days became of the embarrassment.

I will never forget the day as long as I live.


Jason Milner

4th class

Edmund Rice Primary School


Co. Waterford.


National Winner of Net@days Internet Competition 1997