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Sister Eileen flies home --:My name is Gilbert Minto. I am in third class this year.we are very busy with computers.My Aunt Eileen called into the school on Monday, October 12th 1998. She told us about her work in Zambia. Zambia is a country in Africa. They grow cotton, crops and fruit where she lives. She works in a handicapped school in Lusaka in Zambia. She is a nun in Ferrybank Convent, Waterford. Her name is sister Patricia McGrath.eileen2.jpg (17172 bytes)Her real name is Eileen McGrath. She has been a nun since 19 (well as far back as I can remember). She is a wonderful aunt and a great nun. I am glad she is staying for Christmas. She is going back in January to Zambia. She first went out to Zambia in September 1996. Before that she taught cookery in Ferrybank Girls Secondary School.
She told the boys about her work in Africa. She is Vice-Principal in her present School. There are about 370 pupils in the school. It is a mixed school. They live in the school. Every morning before class they have a native song and dance. She brought things from Africa for us  to look at. She brought in some cotton. It grows on a bush. She showed us some photos of some of her pupils. She showed us some of their clothes. I would like to go and visit her out there. Mr. Prenter’s daughter Brona went to Zambia as part of her training as a teacher. She went as her 21st birthday present from her parents. She stayed there for three weeks. She was here for our "Information Age Evening" . I explained all the things to her.I miss her when she goes back.

By --: Gilbert Minto

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