Hurling --:is
one the fastest team sports in the world. It is one of our national games and is as
popular to-day as it ever was. There is a national association called the GAA(Gaelic
Athletic Association) which adminsters our national games countrywide.
The headquarters is in Croke Park in Dublin.You can find out more about this great
association by following the links on the site under sport.You can also read a bit more
about the game and the stamp by clicking here.Hurling is a popular game in this school.
You will always see boys with hurleys in their hands coming to school in the morning. It
is a game which requires great skill. You use a stick called a hurley, made from ash and a
hard ball, called a sliotar. You can hit the ball out of your hands or along the ground.It
is allowed to lift the ball off the ground using the hurley and then hiting it is the
air.Some people think it is a very dangerous game and you can get injured easiloy if you
are not careful.