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How to remove used stamps --:
  • First cut the stamp off the envelope leaving about ½ inch margin around it.


  • Place the stamp face down in container or saucer of luke warm water and soak for three or four minutes.  Make sure the stamps have room to float and do not stick to one another. Don't soak too many at one time. Let the stamps float until the glue dissolves and the stamps slide easily off the paper. Paper is very weak when it is wet and it's easy to tear a wet stamp if you handle it roughly. Be patient, and let the water do its work! Change the water in the soaking bowl often to make sure it is clean.


  • Shake occasionally to loosen the stamp.


  • Eventually, the paper will sink to the bottom and the stamp will float on the top. Using a tweezers, remove the stamp and place it face down on a piece of kitchen paper or tissue. It's a good idea to use your stamp tweezers to lift the wet stamps, instead of using your fingers. Lay the stamps in a single layer, and so they are not touching one another.


  • Place a second sheet over the stamps When dry place the stamp in a page towards the end of a heavy book to prevent curling.


  • Let the stamps dry on their own. They may curl a little or look wrinkled, but don't worry about that. When they are completely dry, lift them with your tweezers and put them in a phone book or a dictionary or some other old book. It's important not to put the stamps in a book until they are completely dry. After a few days, they should be nice and flat, and you can put them in your collection.

Enjoy your Collection -:

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