Waterford & Tramore Railway --:
The Waterford & Tramore Railway was one of the most
unusual railways in Ireland, as it was not connected to any other railway network in the
country. It was totally independent. The train travelled the journey of seven and a
quarter miles on 5ft. 3ins gauge line from Railway Square, Tramore to Manor Street Station
(known as Railway Square as well) in Waterford. There were no other stations between
Waterford and Tramore. The railway opened for business on the 15th. of September
1853. Unfortunately it is no longer with us but we can still see traces of its existance
in many parts of the town. The station
building in Tramore, which is now in a sorry state and part of it is being used as a taxi
depot, is still in use. There are plans that it might be turned into a local museum. The
Manor Street Station, was demolished in the mid sixties. I never travelled on the train
myself because it closed down long before I was born. Mr. O'Neachtain is the only
teacher in the school who travelled on it, as he grew up in Waterford. The line
closed on 31st. December 1960. You can still see signs that we once had a
railway in and around Tramore, as many of the sleepers are still in use as gate posts by
local farmers.
To learn more about this railway follow these links