Day 10 ~
Dear Diary --:
On Monday 22nd of
May I went home with Jimmy Coffey. At 3.00pm. Jimmy ran out the door and
out to his mother, who was waiting for him outside the school in the car.
When he opened the door of the car Jimmy's Mam said “What’s in the
box?” Jimmy said it was a Moose. Jimmy's Mam said “a Moose, Jimmy”.
“Yes” said Jimmy “ Tuckamore the Moose, from
Topsail in Newfoundland”. “ What’s he doing over here?” she asked.
“He’s here on a visit” says Jimmy “ and he is staying the night in
our house”. Jimmy started to tell her all about my adventures so far,
about learning how to play hurling, getting locked in a garage and about
the plaster on my leg. His Mother drove off down the road and said she
hoped he had a quiet night in the Coffey house. At 3.10 I was in Jimmy's
house. Jimmy got changed out of his uniform and in a few minutes me and
Jimmy went out to his back
garden to played football. I scored four goals on Jimmy. He was amazed hoe
good I was. I didn’t tell him that I learnt some tricks from John
O’Grady the previous day. At 4 o’clock Jimmy went to football training
up the field. Jimmy told me go have a
game on the Playstation and that he wouldn’t be long. I played
the Play Station for a while and tried to improve my game as the last time
I played I was terrible. I played a game called “ Die Hard”.
it was really good I enjoyed it. At 5 o’clock Jimmy came home
from training. I told him I had picked up a few tricks on the playstation
while he was out and he better watch out the next time we play.
Then we had our dinner of spuds, gravy and fishfingers and peas.
They were delicious I really
enjoyed them. Then we played
Tony Hawks skate boarding on Play Station. After an hour we went out and
played basketball after that we played
rally and road rash. Then we went down to Jimmy's bedroom.
His bedroom is nice. He
has lots of Manchester United posters on the walls. Then Jimmy done his
homework and I watched Jimmy doing his homework.
Then we played some more football. Jimmy scored 5 penalties on me.
Jimmy is good I took 5 penalties I scored four goals. Jimmy is good on
goal. Then Jimmy's sister and brother came out and played basketball. Me
and Jimmy watched them. After a while me and Jimmy went in and watched
some TV. At 10 o’clock me and Jimmy went to bed. I had a good night
sleep and Jimmy had no cats or dogs to annoy me. At 7.45 Jimmy's Mam woke
us up. We got washed for
school and headed down stairs.We had Readybreak for breakfast. When Jimmy
brought me into school. Aidan Walsh is getting me for the night Aiden has
3 dogs. I hope they are nice.
That was my night with Jimmy
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