Day 2 ~ Dear Diary --:
I had a magnificent time at Shane Fleming’s house last night.
Now here are my adventures in Davey’s house.
Today I was lucky enough to go home to Davey Herbert’s house.
I was looking at Davey doing his work all day in school. He works
hard most of the time but can get distracted if some boys start messing.
Then at three o’clock the bell rang and we went home.
We walked up the road with Anthony Dunphy.
When Davey got home, his Mam was in the back garden doing some
gardening. She said that I was very welcome and that she hoped I would
enjoy my stay. I told her I was having
a wonderful time in Ireland so far but I miss some of my friends back in
Newfoundland. So his Mam came in and we had dinner.
We had burgers and chips. I
was really hungry and I thought they were delicious.
After dinner Davey did his homework. He did some
Maths, reading and he learnt his spellings.
Then we watched T.V. After
a while we decided to go out and we
called for Davey’s friend Paul. We
got a chase from Paul’s next-door neighbour’s dog.
The dog bit Davey, but luckily it wasn’t too bad.
We went into Paul’s house and watched T.V.
Paul was watching Pokemon. Then
we went to Davey’s friend Gareth’s house.
We went in and played his PC.
We played “Starcraft” and “Duke Nukem” and “Time to
Kill”. Then we played
wrestling. I really enjoyed the wrestling. It was great fun.
Then Paul and I left and went skate-boarding.
Davey taught me how to skate-board. I hope to have more lessons
before I have to go back across the Atlantic.
Later on we went to the amusements.
We went on the “Drop Zone” and the “Challenger”.
We played crazy golf. It
really drove me crazy , as whenever I thought I hit the ball straight , it
just went the opposite way. I came last, Davey came second and his Dad
came first. We went home and watched T.V.
At nine o’clock we went up to bed after about the
tenth time Davey’s Mam called us. We
finally went to bed at ten thirty. Davey
read me a story. He read me
“Harry Potter”. I thought
it was very good.
I fell asleep first, so in the morning we got up
and got dressed. We went
downstairs. We had breakfast. We had toast. Then
we brought Davey’s dog for a walk and went to school. That was my day with Davey Herbert. I really had a good time.
I’m really having a great time here in Tramore.