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The Fin Whale

Barn Owl






The fin whale is a common throughout the Northwest Atlantic. In Newfoundland and Labrador, in Canada, fin whales can be seen near shore and offshore from early spring until late Autumn.Mr. O'Neachtain went to Newfoundland last summer. He saw whales off the coast. He didn't see very many as he went in August. If you went in June or July he would see lots if them in near the coast, as they come in for food, called caplin( which is a type of fish) In winter they generally migrate south as far as Florida.USA. Fin whales sometimes become entrapped in ice around Newfoundland waters. 

Fin whales mate in winter, when they are in warm waters. After a gestation period of about a year, a 6 m calf weighing 2 tons is born. The calf will nurse for 7 months, at which point it will be about 11 m long. Fin Whales become mature at around 10 years of age, and may grow up to 18- 23 m long, weighing 40-50 tons. Fin whales calve about once every three years and may live to be 100 years old.

Fin whales are extremely fast swimmers, with speeds in excess of 20 km/ hour. A fin whale tagged in Iceland covered 3,000 km in 1O days! They are unique among whales in that they are asymmetrically coloured: the left side of the head and baleen are dark, while the right side of the head and baleen are white. Fin whales have been observed to swim toward their prey (krill and small fish), roll onto their right sides, pivot in a tight turn, then open their mouths. Such a manoeuvre may allow the whale to use the white side of its head to scare and concentrate its prey before engulfing it.Little is known about the social organisation of these whales. They sometimes travel in groups, and are known to make extremely loud, low- frequency sounds, which may be used for communication.

I got a lot of this information off the internet. There are brilliant sites for nature on the net.You will find them by doing a search in Yahooligans site.

You can find out more about the Fin Whale by clicking here.

Written by --:

Lee Whitehouse

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