

  DVa Tactics

1. Reversing a Camel on your six o'clock

Transcript of the radio log between =skrp= and front- during a Training Session in the DoA training arena (April '99):

=skrp=: ok...What problem are you having with it?
front-: well... lets say i have a bit of alt
front-: (which is rare in the DVa)
=skrp=: heheh
front-: and i manage to get down and into the circle with the enemy
front-: now I'm looking to keep the moves in the vertical as much as possible
front-: cos i don't wanna lose the alt
front-: (not too much anyway)
=skrp=: cc
front-: i find that after a few moves I'm screwed
=skrp=: DVa holds E well
front-: i have to go nose-low to pick up the speed
front-: and that is where it ends
front-: the fight goes low and i'm dead
front-: the point is that i don't want to get too low
front-: i think i'm pulling too hard or something, then loose E and have to go nose-low too deep
=skrp=: the advantage the DVa has down low...and its a slim one
front-: cc it has good low speed handling like when you're down there, rolls good and stuff
=skrp=: is it's roll can use reverses and scissors well
front-: do ya use a LOT of rudder in the turns and reverses skrp, in the scissors?
=skrp=: very little ...I try to stay as fast as I can
front-: ah good!
front-: so you stay fast
front-: i thought it best to get slow and force the over shoot in the scissors?
=skrp=: try to : )
=skrp=: the Blip throttle in the camel makes an overshoot less likely
front-: okay so gimme DVa "Camelkilling" hints
=skrp=: in the DVa you can sometimes get them by going left
front-: cc go left...
front-: slightly nose high too?
=skrp=: do a reverse right...then back left...and put a slight climb in
=skrp=: sometimes they will fall off "reaching" for a gun solution
front-: okay... so a flat turn left when the Camel gets into your six o'clock?
front-: or nose high turn?
=skrp=: pull him low and do a slightly nose high turn
front-: cc we pull him low to get our speed up right?
=skrp=: Dva sustains alt very well in a turn
=skrp=: cc and make him go LEFT : )
front-: cc then we reverse right? hard?
=skrp=: If he is staying with you, yes if he is wavering...sustain the turn
front-: so we're turning nose high left
front-: we want to reverse right... wing under or over?
=skrp=: under is best
front-: okay so we drop the left wing, roll under, and then turn right
=skrp=: the bottom line is unhealthy to be low with a good camel pilot
front-: very unhealthy
=skrp=: yes reverse right...and then go left again
front-: okay so we have turned right
front-: now we go left (wing under) again?
front-: and then we climb a bit to the left...
=skrp=: cc only reverse right to make him turn and kill E
front-: how far out do we hang that climb?
=skrp=: Just enough to make him reach for a gun solution
front-: okay so say he's pulling up the nose for a shot
front-: and i'm gonna get hit
front-: what then? roll out of the climb to the left?
=skrp=: if he is constantly trying to get his guns on you..
=skrp=: he might spin...or fall off...the good ones will be patient
front-: ya mean they won't pull up to you in the climb too much?
=skrp=: no... they will stay low at nibble away at the turn..maybe throw in a low yo-yo
front-: that yo-yo won't give them a good solution though right?
front-: they'll make it to gain back some E and stay in position?
=skrp=: snap shot at best...and kill their E some
=skrp=: it is not going to be a win everytime in a DVa...down low : )
front-: dapper move there skrp, thanks for the time
=skrp=: : )


2. General DVa Points

Skarp posted 04-28-99

The DVa has many nice qualities. It has the best visibility of any of the aircraft in DoA and is a very stable gun platform. It rolls well and turns better than most people think.

It's biggest problem (other than the dive thing) is a lack of power. it does not acclererate very quickly and climbs like a Sumo Wrestler in Lederhosen.

The guys who do the best in the DVa, usually fly with a wingman. The Albatros is a good plane if team tactics are used effectively. It will do reasonably well against a Camel 1v1 if the Camel driver is of average quality, but quicky find itself in trouble against a first rank pilot. The good visibility helps it be a great teamwork aircraft. It is very easy to keep track of your bud and opponents.

Because it has trouble regaining E, it is very important to try to be at alt with an advantage. It is smooth and stable while

using the vertical, and reverses quickly at the top of a zoom. It is a joy to fly, but can be difficult to score in. It is tempting to hold a tracking shot too long and end up slow and running out of options. If you fly it at altitude, and don't expect a 3 kill sortie every time out, you will do well and have a blast.

Resist the urge to dive into a furball unless you can zoom back up.

It's roll rate helps down low, where you can reverse quickly, sometimes causing the Camels to Auger. It can sustain a turn very well without fear of stalling and spinning. Of course, try to get the Camels to go left...they still turn well to the left, but better still to the right. If a Camel is real

close behind (inside d.6) break hard left and throw in a slight climb. He may try to "reach" for the shot and auger.

It eats Spads, and spits out the bones. If you can get a Spad to turn, you should be able to nail him.

It is well matched with the SE5a.

I fly it some every night, and really enjoy it's smooth feel. A score in a DVa definitely feels sweeter than a Camel kill.

Stay fast, stay high, bring a friend.

Skarp, The PigStompers


=skrp=, DoA Training Staff



3. Kieren's DVa Training Page

Kieren contributed an excellent page on the DVa to the DoA Trainers Files site. Click on this link to go there:

Kieren's DVa Training Page