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Kids can make a show, this little one would not walk the ramp at all - at first and the clapping from the audience to encourage her attempts had her running off in tears. The boys were boys and leapt off the end of the ramp.
Professional models make a huge difference to the quality of the shots. Most will pause almost imperceptibly waiting for the shot. This is great but they sometimes get upset if you don't photograph them all. For newspaper we try to avoid black and we shoot anything colourful. Then we shoot the best looking models and a twist to this is the top models will be wearing the worst outfits - this is for local shows - not New York, Paris or Milan where the trend is the reverse. This is done because the best girls can usually wear anything and still look stunning. Unfortunately it may mean we don't get any shot of her (or him) at all.

Contrast that to the usual charity event where the local boutique think they can get away with a few kids from the local school and even include a few of the teachers as well. These are often disastrous as the models are always far too shy and run on and of with the most haste.

Commentary is best left with the pros as well - for this shoot we had no commentary but a buyers slip and mood music - great as it meant we had captions - a rarity with this work.

I hardly recognised this shot which was printed 10" high and reversed to face inwards, into the page in full colour. This was printed in my local daily newspaper.
You can never tell - the boys above I was not even going to bother with, sports gear - so common. It was the second biggest picture used on the local daily in B&W. What's the fuss, well advertising sold a front page banner ad against it back to the shop - paid my repro fees - editors like that.
A little something different, motion blur in camera 1/15th F4 and a pan.

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