
A Guide for Addicts, Youths and Parents Alike.



Up Cocaine Amyl Nitrate Tranquillisers Cannabis Heroin Ecstasy Amphetamines Acid Magic Mushrooms Solvents


LSDStreet Names; LSD, Taps, Trips. Drop means taking acid. Co-polite means to take acid with another substance.

What is it ?; Acid is an hallucinogenic drug which comes almost always on paper decorated with cartoons and pictures.

Signs of addiction; Disorientation while tripping, possible anxiety afterwards, agitation in bad trip.

The Highs; The  user sees and hears unreal illusions. Feelings, sensations and emotions are intensified.

The Lows; As all feelings are exaggerated, so are the fears of the user. This can be very frightening and may leave the user with feelings of paranoia and anxiousness.

Addictiveness; Not very.

Price; £10 per tab