
A Guide for Addicts, Youths and Parents Alike.



Up Cocaine Amyl Nitrate Tranquillisers Cannabis Heroin Ecstasy Amphetamines Acid Magic Mushrooms Solvents


Street Names; Speed, Poor man's cocaine, Whizz, Phet, Sulphate, Uppers, Pep Pills, Dexies, Minstrels, Blues, Sweets, Black Bombers, Dominoes.

What is it?; This drug is usually found in powder form is snorted. It can also be found in pill form or it can be injected.Amphetamines

Signs of use; Hyperactive, pupils wide.

The Highs; After taking the drug   you nervous system speeds up which causes an increase in your hearth rate breathing .It can produce sensations of alertness, confidence, happiness, increased energy levels and feelings of well being. Appetite suppressant.

The Lows; after taking amphetamines you can feel tired, lethargic, hungry, paranoid and depressed. The comedown effects may last for days and if injected it may be very harsh on the stomach. It is physchologically addicitive and it may be very hard to give up after a tolerance is formed.

Addictiveness; High, both physically and psychologically

If you gonna take it;

Try to limit use and avoid large amounts. This will prevent constant 'high'-'low' and will limit damage to digestive system.
Avoid injecting.
Ensure user is eating properly and sleeping pattern is OK to replace used energy.

Price; £10 to £15