17th December |
Deforested coniferous plantation.
Mostly dull with showers. Bad light. |
Here's a bright image to start the day. The gills of Hypholoma fasciculare - Sulphur Tuft. |
This is a top-down shot of Gloeophyllum sepiarium growing on the end of a log. I first showed this on October 6th. It now looks like that was the first Irish record. This specimen is about 1km. from the October ones. Specimen about 4 cm. across. This appears to be quite a scarce species, although I had a day trip to Scotland in November and found it growing on a wooden bridge in a crematorium. I notice there are no records for Ayrshire, either... |
Four shots of what I think must be Panellus mitis. I watched this last year to see if the colour changes. It doesn't. Individual specimens about 10-15 mm. across. Cohabiting with the Gloeophyllum above. Another scarce species.
This is a Lycogala sp., one of the Myxomycetes. Individual specimens about 10mm. diameter. Again, the same logs.
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