7th May |
Original Hedgerow, legs 1 and 2.
6 x Orange Tip (m), 9 x Green Veined White, 1 x Peacock, 1 x Speckled Wood, 1 x Small Tortoiseshell. Warm and sunny all day. A fine day for butterflies and other insects. |
![]() I saw plenty of these 7-spot Ladybirds on all kinds of vegetation. Coccinella 7-punctata. |
This Solitary Bee was obviously looking for somewhere to dig. A female Andrena haemorrhoa about 12mm long. |
This is a much better shot of a male Bibio ferruginatus...a St. Marks Fly. |
Normally I would have cropped this Pond Skater much closer, but I really like the reflection of the grass leaves in the composition. Gerris lacustris.
Two shots of Green-veined White. Both males, I think. The right-hand specimen looks to be newly emerged, as the wings are still inflating. Pieris napi.
Male Orange Tips were patrolling up and down the hedge. This one stopped for just a few seconds. Anthocharis cardamines. |
Two small (1 cm.) hoverflies, showing one of the differences between Melanostoma and Platycheirus. Platycheirus (right) has enlarged front feet (tarsi).
The first Peacock I've seen for quite a few weeks. |
Dozens of these tiny leaf beetles were crawling over the Meadow Buttercups by the stream. |
A few of these were flying around my back garden. A Stonefly, I think. 2 cm long, and with an interesting wing attachment. |
Another Syrphus shot. I didn't get a close look at the legs, but it's probably Syrphus ribesii. |
This spider was frantically waving those 'antennae' in the air. I have no idea whether it was sensing or signalling. |
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