3rd June |
Original Hedgerow, leg 1. A couple of sunny days and things really start to move.... Sunny and very hot. |
Athous haemorroidalis is the most common Click Beetle at the moment. There is one visible every metre on the hedgerow. On the right, the early seeds of Cow Parsley.
I wonder if anyone can work out why I put these two pictures side by side. |
A new leaf miner for the site: Phytomyza chaerophylli - an Agromyzid fly - on Cow Parsley.
Two micromoths on Nettle. The larva of Celypha lacunana on the left and Nettle Tap - Anthophila fabriciana.
This very small ( 5mm) Ichneumon was running quickly all over and under the Cow Parsley flowers. |
Crane Fly (left) and Dung Fly (right).
Yet another shot of Gastrophysa viridula, this time a heavily-laden female. |
Not sure what this common Beetle is. I've put it down as Rove Beetle. |
Smooth Sow Thistle - Sonchus oleraceus. |
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