13th June |
Drumboe Wood. Added identifications to Timothy Tortrix on June 10 and Hydriomena furcata on June 7. Species Index now stands at 790. Overcast and windy but warm. |
I was looking at the Woolly Beech Aphid on the left and spotted what looks to be a tiny (4mm., excluding antennae) Capsid Bug on the Yorkshire Fog.
Another shot of the Alder Fly (left) and a new species for this year - Cixius nervosus - one of the Plant Hoppers.
Everything seemed fine with this pair of Crane-Flies, and then one of the Scathophagus Dung-flies decided that the male made an easy meal. What a way to go.
Elder flowers have opened. |
Another micromoth, either Epiblema scutulata or Epiblema cirsiana. Until recently, Epiblema scutulata would have done, but there's been a recent split.
Two hoverflies. Episyrphus balteatus on the left and Eristalis intricarius on the right. The Eristalis is a good Bumblebee mimic, but there are enough clues in the image to be sure that this specimen isn't a bee.
This Rhingia campestris looked quite different from my usual specimens, so I rushed to see if it was Rhingia rostrata (wishful thinking), but I discovered I had a heavily-laden female campestris. And I also spotted this Tenthredo sp. Sawfly hanging motionless on the Bush Vetch.
Honeysuckle has flowered. |
A Harvestman that I uncovered when I spotted its hiding place on Hogweed (which is almost in flower).
A tiny Sepsid fly. This one has an interesting metallic purple abdomen. |
Flowers of Common Sorrel. |
This hoverfly - Xylota segnis - is virtually identified by its odd behaviour. It flies as badly as an ichneumon, and runs quickly over leaves in the manner of a predator. It appears to be eating pollen, however. |
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