
4th April


Original Hedgerow, leg 2.

1 x Peacock.

Warm and sunny.


Queen bumblebees are searching for nest sites now. This is the Buff-tailed Bumblebee - Bombus terrestris.


The Lesser Celandine is very prominent this year, with swathes of yellow covering more than usual of the ditch edge. This patch is more than 2m high.


Eristalis are usually darker at this time of year: they grow more colourful as the temperature increases. The current warm spell is having an early effect.

Two shots of one of the mining bees. These were gathering pollen, searching for nest sites, burrowing and basking in the sunshine.



A predatory bug, one of the Anthocoridae. Closest to Anthocoris nemorum.


One of the Psychodid flies. About 6mm. wingspan.

Later on the sunset was a little interesting. High thin cloud gave the impression of a vertical column of light.

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