4th April |
Original Hedgerow, leg 2.
1 x Peacock. Warm and sunny. |
Queen bumblebees are searching for nest sites now. This is the Buff-tailed Bumblebee - Bombus terrestris. |
The Lesser Celandine is very prominent this year, with swathes of yellow covering more than usual of the ditch edge. This patch is more than 2m high. |
Eristalis are usually darker at this time of year: they grow more colourful as the temperature increases. The current warm spell is having an early effect. |
Two shots of one of the mining bees. These were gathering pollen, searching for nest sites, burrowing and basking in the sunshine.
A predatory bug, one of the Anthocoridae. Closest to Anthocoris nemorum. |
One of the Psychodid flies. About 6mm. wingspan. |
Later on the sunset was a little interesting. High thin cloud gave the impression of a vertical column of light.
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