
22nd June


Original Hedgerow, leg 1.

1 x Speckled Wood.

Dull with sunny spells, then heavy rain.


In common with other beetles, the larvae of Ladybirds shed their skin a few times as they grow. The old skin is usually eaten; nothing is ever wasted, but this one has been left behind.

I'm not sure where this blowfly found the bubble. Perhaps it made it.


Hedge Woundwort has flowered. Marsh Woundwort and the hybrid should appear soon.


Yarrow is in flower more or less all year round. It's very fresh at the moment.

Syritta pipiens is an interesting little hoverfly. It flies quite clumsily, like some of the bees and it has inflated thighs that look just like pollen baskets. Small, about 8mm long.


The precise moment of take-off for a very fresh (perhaps second generation) Speckled Wood. Exposure was 160th.


The biter bit. A Scathophagus dung-fly has captured a Rhagio larger than itself. The Rhagio is also a predator, so this must have been quite a battle.

The fern is Male Fern.

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