16th May |
Original Hedgerow. Our hottest day of the year so far.
Numerous Orange-Tips and Green-Veined Whites, male and female. |
The Dock Beetle on the left adopted a different tactic when I bothered it - it fell over and played dead. On the right are the eggs of the same species on a large Dock leaf. The black larvae will soon have the leaf in ruins. Eggs about 1 mm long.
This Nettle leaf was vary badly distorted by what I'm presuming is some kind of Rust attack. It's Puccinia urticata. Thanks to Carl for the id. |
The Tormentil has been quietly developing and this is the first flower on the patch. There will be quite a few further Cinquefoils to come in the following months. |
Here's a nice little double picture showing Dog Violets and Herb Robert side by side. |
This Chaffinch nest is on Cupressus at the boundary of my land. Three chicks.