
16th August


Town centre, on waste land.


Sunny and hot. 6 Peacocks, 5 Small Tortoiseshells, 1 Painted Lady, 1 Red Admiral.

This Painted Lady is the first I've seen since late June. It is rather small, but in pristine condition. It might be an Irish one, unless we've had another influx from the continent. The timing is right for it to be local. I'll update this when I hear about any other sightings.

Bit of a lucky shot. The Red Admiral had two Peacocks for company, but as I took the shot, the one on the left had just launched. Again, the Red Admiral might be a local.


The chrysalis of the Red Admiral is usually hidden deep inside a leaf-shelter in Nettles, and is very difficult to photograph. This captive specimen shows the shape and colouring.

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