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What is Rolfing ?

Developed by an American biochemist, Ida Rolf PhD, Rolfing® is a system of bodywork designed to improve the human structure by aligning the body with gravity.

Rolfers regard the body’s soft tissues, or fascia, to function as an integrated system. Strain and tension is spread throughout the system. The places we are aware of as painful or tense are only part of the whole system. Rolfers also believe that emotions and physical traumas can be stored in the body, and that this can lead to structural and functional problems in the body.

Rolfers use a wide variety of physical manipulation techniques in order to bring about an improved alignment and ease of movement within the whole body. Lasting relief can only happen when the whole system is balanced.

Through the work of Rolfing®, clients can often find a new sense of freedom from the emotional and physical traumas that each of us gathers in our bodies over time.