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Who gets Rolfed ?

Almost anyone can gain benefits from Rolfing® – one does not have to have aches and pains in order to feel results from Rolfing®. However the following groups of people find Rolfing® particularly helpful:
  • People suffering from chronic aches or pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, back, hips, knees, legs etc.
  • People suffering from the affects of injuries and accidents.
  • Athletes who wish to improve their performance and avoid future injuries through increased body-awareness.
  • People in physically demanding jobs who suffer pain or stiffness as a result.
  • Other physically active people such as artists who wish to improve body-awareness and ease/grace of movement.
  • People who work in an office who are seated most of the day and feel negative effects in their body.
  • People with poor posture who feel their posture and body awareness could benefit from Rolfing.