



Graiguenamanagh, straddling the Carlow-Kilkenny border is served by a purpose built library opened in 1988.  It is a bright open plan area of 4058 sq ft and is wheelchair accessible.  There are three members of staff.  The library has a stock of 20,000 items including books, audiovisual material e.g. cassettes, C.D.’s, C.D. Roms and educational videos, local and daily newspapers, Tourist information, local history and reference materials.

          There are 4 computers with internet and e-mail facilities for the public.  A photocopying service is also available.  The library/ Health Centre complex is situated close to the famous Duiske Abbey and central to the town.

Opening hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday & Thursday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday & Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 1.30pm

Contact us

Contact Person Brenda Ward, Assistant Librarian
Telephone 0503 24224
E-mail graiglib@eircom.net


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City Library Loughboy Library Mobile Service Castlecomer Graiguenamanagh Callan Library Thomastown Urlingford Library