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The official levies imposed on Kinsale's market traders

The museum has such a vast and diverse collection that it is difficult to categorize.There are maps of the town and its environs dating back centuries, there are models and paintings of important ships, poignant letters, magnificent carvings, beautiful musical instruments...all of which in their own way, create a fascinating picture of Kinsale through the ages. The collection is a testimony to those who have spent so many years putting it together.


The town was issued its first royal charter, granting its recognition and privileges, by Edward lll in 1334. The museum has an important collection of these, ranging from Elizabeth l through to James ll.

Kinsale's handcrafts are also well represented here and there are fine examples of the intricate lacework of the area. There is also a handsome traditional 'Kinsale Cloak' on display.

Another must-see is the harpoon in one of the upper rooms, rumoured to come from Scott's expedition to the Antarctic, another event with which the town has its own personal connection.

Kinsale Museum, Market Square, Kinsale   ph: (021)4777930       Email                 Site created by Mandy Byrne 2001