Despite its reputation for secrecy the masonic movement has always been very open about the number and location of its lodges, and anyone wishing to study or find material on the organisation has a ready reference in the Masonic Year Book which, in conjunction with the Historical Supplement, provides basic information on Craft lodges and Royal Arch chapters throughout the world.

Loyalist Lodge 6165, Manchester. Founded 1945. Lodge of Economy 76, Winchester. Founded 1761. Royal York Lodge 315, Brighton. Founded 1797. Upton Manor Lodge 5115, Slough. Founded 1929.

The reference works noted above enable us to locate those lodges for which only a number and name is given, as in those above. However, care is necessary in relation to one of the peculiarities of the lodge numbering system. The movement has always had a reverence for the age of its lodges, and in the past when lodges with early numbers became defunct the number might be allocated to a younger lodge, though it appears this practice ceased in about 1816. It is thought the main benefit of the earlier numbers was that when processing, lodges took rank by their lodge number.

All the crests illustrated on this page are of British provincial lodges.


Some of the crests which were produced by the masonic movement are particularly fine.

Masonic functions can still be quite grand, and the invitations, menus and programmes are often graced by impressive crests or decoration.

It is probable that the multi-coloured examples shown here were from function documents.

Concordia 2492 is an Aylesbury lodge.


Two nicely executed provincial crests, that on the left with an interesting representation of the two sides of a seventeenth century halfpenny token of Cookham.

Both hark back to earlier centuries, another expression of the masonic feeling for history.


United Service Lodge 1428, Portsmouth. Founded 1873. Howard Lodge of Brotherly Love 56, Littlehampton. Founded 1736 PrinceEdward Lodge 1903, Portsmouth. Founded 1881.


Other aspects of crests of the masonic movement are dealt with on the following separate pages:



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