Melview National School
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Last Update
3 June 2003


2nd Class First Confession

On Thursday 27th of March, we had our confession.  we had lots of fun.  we read poems and stories and sang songs.  The poems were called "What are Lies Like?", "Time", "Unhappy Boy", "Just don't call us Names", "Huff" and "Playground Chant".

We told the priest our sins.  We made some pictures to hang up in the church.  People took pictures of the whole class.  There was a picture of the good shepherd and the wilderness.  The last song was "Beings" and we danced to it.

There was a big crowd.  They clapped us.  We said Thank You to our parents, the people and our teachers.

Written By Padraig Trappe, Bernard McKenna, Aaron Conaghan, Steven Fehilly and Darren Nugent.


The Good Shepherd The Wilderness

What's The Story? - The Sea Of Galilee

On the 28th of March we did a play called 'The Sea Of Galilee'.  There were nine people in the play.  The nine people that were in the play were - The Floor Manager, Presenter, Reader, Professor Mapp, Rabbi Shem, Reporter, Fisherman 1, Fisherman 2 and Audience Member.  There was a song in it called "The Sea of Galilee".  There was also a cameraman.  We practised the play for a while before we invited the other classes down.  All the classes came to see it and thought it was brilliant.  We enjoyed doing the play.
By Conor Shields
Ciara Moloney
Caitriona Smith
What's The Story Newsdesk
What's the Story Fishing Boat   What's The Story - Floor Manager

Halloween is here!

Winnie the Witch

"Swish goes the broomstick"

There was an old witch, believe it if you can,

She tapped on the window and ran, ran, ran.

She ran helter-skelter with her toes in the air

Cornstalks flying from her old witchy hair


"Swish" goes her broomstick, "meow" goes her cat.

"Plop", goes her hop toad sitting on her hat,

"Whee . . . . " chuckledshe, "hi-dee-ho-hi",

Hallowe'en night when witches fly".

Winnie was made by 6th class and is made from unused resources.  Its hands are made of rubber gloves with shredded paper and its arma are also made of shredded paper.  Its head is a sponge ball wearing a mask and it is dressed in black from head to toe.  She has a black cat sitting at her feet.

Vegetable People

Fifth Class Vegetable People

One Tuesday afternoon, Mrs Fallon, our 5th class teacher, told us to collect some vegetables at home and bring them in on Friday, for we were going to make vegetable people.

We were quite excited after seeing the ones that fifth class made last year.

So on Friday morning we all brought in our vegetables.  We were really looking forward to after lunch when we would do art.

When break was over, teacher started to explain to us that we weren’t supposed to stab each other with the knife or cocktail sticks that we had brought in.

She then said that she trusted us not to do so, and so the work began.

We had brought in two potatoes, one for the head and one for the body.  We stuck the two potatoes together with the cocktail sticks then stuck eyes and the mouth etc onto the head.

We also stuck arms and legs on, as well as other parts.  For all these parts we used various vegetables and foods such as parsnips, carrots and even a tortilla wrap.

Liam used a tortilla wrap for a cloak on his. I used a piece of cabbage for a hat and carrots for the arms and legs.  One boy used green peppers for the arms and Mark stuck a mushroom on top of his mans head.

Natasha used a spring onion for the mouth and some people made arms by sticking many single slices of carrots to a cocktail stick.  When we had done this we had made our vegetable men.

We then took the finished product out to the corridor where we put them on a table and Master McDonnell photographed them.  When he had finished photographing them, some children brought them to different classes to show.

We really enjoyed making them.  At home time, we brought them home to show to our parents.

By Diarmuid O'Reilly-Morgan


Some Melview children enjoying the fun at the Leinster GAA Summer Camp 2002