Listed below are links to some sites with an archaeological focus which I have found of interest. |
UCD School of Archaeology: This site contains information and some reports on the archaeological research undertaken by the school and its students.
NRA: This site contains information and downloadable reports on the archaeological excavations carried out under the National Roads Authority road construction program.
Hertiage Council: The archaeology section of the Heritage Council site contains some excellent reports downloadable as PDF's such as the "Bru na Boinne Research Framework Project" and the sub site "Significant Unpublished Irish Archaeological Excavations 1930-1997".
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland: The Society was founded in 1849 in Kilkenny 'to preserve, examine and illustrate all ancient monuments and memorials of the arts, manners and customs of the past, as connected with the antiquities, language, literature and history of Ireland.'
Discovery Programme: The Discovery Programme is a public institution for advanced research in Irish archaeology. As distinct from the other public bodies that deal with Irish archaeology, the Discovery Programme sole activity is to engage in full-time archaeological and related research, in order to enhance our knowledge of Irelands past. This site gives an overview of the work carried out by the Discovery Programme.
Irish Archaeological Field School: The aim of the school is to provide an opportunity for students and enthusiasts of archaeology and anthropology to experience at first hand the excitement of archaeological excavation within an established research framework. The site also provides links to the Field Schools blogs for its reseach projects including the Black Friary (Trim), Bective Abbey, and Rossnaree, Co. Meath.
Megalithicomania: Gazetteer site featuring mainly prehistoric Irish sites with photos and location details. Over 2250 sites are listed. By registering you get access to the sites discussion forums.
Megalithic Ireland: Gazetteer site featuring many megalithic, early christian and fortified sites visited by the author around Ireland.
Sacred Sites: Gazetteer site featuring ritual and sacred sites world wide including a selection of Irish sites. The site author is anthropologist Martin Gray.
Stonehenge: Airline booking site page brought to my attention giving links to various Gazetteer sites featuring Stone Henge in the UK.
Archaeology's Interactive Digs:The Archaeology Magazine site reports on various ongoing excavations around the world providing field notes and other information on the excavations.
The Archaeology Data Service:The Archaeology Data Service supports research, learning and teaching with freely available, high quality and dependable digital resources. It does this by preserving digital data in the long term, and by promoting and disseminating a broad range of data in archaeology.
Databases |
Excavations.ie: The database gives access to over 15,000 summary excavation reports and can be browsed or searched using multiple fields, including Year, County, Site Type, Grid Reference, Licence No., Sites and Monuments Record No. and Author.
National Monuments Database: This database contains details of the record holdings of the Archaeological Survey of Ireland.
NRA Archaeological Database: This searchable database contains information from excavations carried out as part of the NRA road construction program.
Hertiage Council INSTAR: Irish National Strategic Archaeological Research [INSTAR] Programme research web archive.
People of Prehistoric Ireland: Database of known prehistoric burials being assembled under the INSTAR Project: The People of Prehistoric Ireland: Health and Demography
Mapping Death Database: Mapping Death facilitates access to a detailed database of burials and burial sites in Ireland from 1st to 8th century AD including archaeological, onomastic, statistical, mapping and historical data.This project is supported by the Heritage Council under the Irish National Strategic Archaeological Research (INSTAR) Programme.
Early Medieval Archaeology Project: EMAP is an INSTAR funded project, its primary objective being to investigate and analyse the history, character and results of early medieval archaeological excavations in Ireland. Many of the project published reports are available to download under the 'reports' tab on the EMAP site.
Early Christian Ecclesiastical Settlement in Ireland 5th to 12th CenturiesDatabase of the Monasticon Hibernicum Project. Compiled from historical sources, this database lists 5,529 Early Christian Ecclesiastical sites including at least 412 which are presently unlocated.
WODAN wood and charcoal database : This is the new integrated wood and charcoal database with results from Irish archaeological sites.
WODAN aims to facilitate access to the extraordinary quantity of wood and charcoal data that was produced during the boom in commercial archaeology in the past decade.
IPOL - the Irish Pollen Site Database : IPOL is a collection of metadata of Irish Quaternary pollen sites. The database currently contains information on 472 sediment-based records.
Reference Sites |
Surveying Archaeology: This website has been constructed to provide information to those interested in the use of surveying, GIS and computer technology within the discipline of Archaeology
eSkeletons: eSkeletons provides an interactive environment in which to examine and learn about skeletal anatomy. The purpose of this site provided by the University of Texas at Austin is to enable you to view the bones of both human and non-human primates and to gather information about them from the college's osteology database.
The Down Survey: The Civil survey of Ireland was undertaken in the years 1656-1658 after the Cromwellian wars overseen by overseen by the surgeon-general of the English army, William Petty. Known as the Down's Survey or the Petty survey, the survey maps have now been digitised in a project managed by Trinity college and incorporated into a geographical Information System now publicly available. The Down Survey of Ireland is the first ever detailed land survey on a national scale anywhere in the world and is a valuable resource for Irish Archaeological research.
Archaeology Ireland - News from the Net:This site is an archive of the links to archaeological sites and articles highlighted in Eoin Bairead's colunm in Archaeology Ireland.