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The Plectrum Hand


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The plectrum should be positioned between the thumb and first finger as shown in the picture below. Make sure the plectrum is held between the pads of each finger in a 'pinch-like' position.

plectrum hold

When striking a pair of strings either up or down both strings should vibrate together. In this way you will get a full sound. Be sure to strike the strings firmly to get this tone.











The Scale of G



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scale of G - mandolin

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Exercise 1

Play the G scale as you did with the D scale until you are comfortable playing the scale forwards and backwards.

Exercise 2

Next play the first note by striking the string downwards, then the second note upwards and so on. This is how you should play from now on i.e. every alternative note note up then down etc.

Exercise 3

Now play each note of the scale twice - up and down. Do this a few times.Can you do it without looking.

Exercises 1,2 and 3 should sound like this:G scales on mandolin










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Tremelo is a constant striking of the string down and up to produce a continuous tone. We'll be looking at some tunes later on in the course with tremelo.

For the moment though listen to the d note in tremelo on the audio file and then try and play it.

Click heretremelo

Notice that the note starts off softly, then gets louder and then soft again.












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It's now time to play some more tunes.

Remember listen to the tune first and then try to play the first line. When you can play the first line listen to the tune again and then try the next line and so on.

Go To Improver's Mandolin Tunes


















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