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Improving tone...The G Scale...Excercises

tin whistle improvers

Note variations...Improver's Tunes...Quiztime




















Improving Tone


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Attention should now be given to the tone of the notes.

Low notes should be soft and high notes should not be too shrill or 'squeaky'.

Practice changing from low E (E) to high E (E'). Now try the rest of the D scale going from the low notes to the high notes.

As you play your tunes from now on try and allow your fingers change the notes rather than your breath unless the 'pipping' sound suits that part of the tune.

Listen to a phrase played correctly followed by the phrase played by 'pipping'

Click here flowing phrase









The Scale of G

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whistle G
Whistle A
Whistle B
Whistle C
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Whistle D'
Whistle E'
Whistle G'





















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Now we are going to play the scale using variations. The aim here is to change the sound of a note slightly by pushing your finger up and down over the hole below the note without covering the hole. Listen to the G scale played using this variation on each note.

G scale with variationsG scale with variations


Exercise 1

Play the scale of G up and down a few times. Let your fingers change the notes rather than your breath. It should sound like this:

G scaleG scale


Exercise 2

Now try and play the G scale with variations.

When you are playing the next set of tunes listen out for the variations and try and play some yourself.


Go to...Improvers Tunes



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