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The Basics ...First Excercises...The D Scale

tin Whistle Beginners

More Exercises...Beginner's Tunes...Quiztime




















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The Basics

The Tin whistle is a wind instrument. It is sometimes called the Penny Whistle

It is important to hold the Tin Whistle as shown in the picture below.

Note that the left hand is on top. Position your thumbs at the back of the tin whistle- between the first and second finger.

The whistle should be played holding the top between the lips rather than the teeth.

Blow softly at first and when covering the holes use the pads of your fingers rather than the tips.





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First Exercises

Exercise No. 1

Blow gently into the whistle without covering the holes. Now cover each hole one by one and blow gently starting with your finger on the top hole. Make sure you use the pad of your finger and not the tip. It should sound like this:


Click Here listen to ex. 1


If it sounds a little strange don't worry - Just start again!


Exercise No. 2

When you are able to do Exercise no. 1 and have practiced it a few times you are ready to play the D scale. It is very important that you cover the holes with the pads of your fingers.

The picture below shows the D scale. Try it - starting with all the holes covered.








































The D Scale


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whistle D
Whistle E
Whistle G
Whistle A
Whistle B
Whistle D'





















Hear The D Scale :

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Exercise No.3

Now let's try playing low and high notes together.First low gently on B and now blow harded so that the note gets mush higher. The second note is B' or High B.

The two notes should sound like this


Exercise No. 4

Now play the low D scale just like you did in Exercise No. 2. Next play the high D scale by blowing harder. Try and play the low scale followed by the high scale. Don't worry if it sounds squeaky at first.


It's now time to play your first tune. Listen to the tune first and then try the first line. When you can play the first line listen to the tune again and then try the next line and so on.

Go To First Tin Whistle Tunes




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